
Monday, September 13, 2010

Penang Day 4

day 4
moved out after saying bye bye to the cousin family and thanks them
We went to St Anne's church at Penang.
It was BIG! HUGE!
LOL. wut?
This, is just a part of it.

The station of the cross statue.

This is the place where they pray for St Anne. A part of the church.

The church.
See? This is what i call BIG.

Holy Water.

I'm praying before drinking it.


Ugh, blur pictures.

Bye Bye :)


So tired and sick!

Penang Day 3

Char Kuey Teow for my breakfast,
Thanks uncle for the breakfast =)

3rd day was all about..
a lot of things.
*this post is actually quite long but i'm lazy + sick so imma short it and please don't be pickey! =P*
It was a flat.
A very old flat.
But me likey cause it really increase my skills in photography.

Ah yeee grandma and grandpa.❤

Mum planned to bring us to botanical park, but we end up going to the .. park?
Yeah, park.

See? Told you it's a park!
*cousins + me + brothers*

US =]

This thing so fun!
Makes you shake around,
i guess the use of it is to help our waist.

*kick kick kick*
*push push push*

Do gym gym gym.

Yeah, my turn to get wild with my cousin sister.

We are the spider family :D
P/S: Me wearing the same shirt as my brother. Enlarge it. 

My brother lebih lahh.. xP

Yeah we saw these "eggs" which are made of stones in the park,
the boys touched it and started to have "competition" which see that who can touch the egg the longest.. x)

A really funny video of them :P

It's located near forest, so..

We wanted to go to our grandma another round,
before going, we stopped by the hills and we went in to 
Titi Kerawang waterfall.

Exhausted after all the playing, although i did not touch the water nor step inside and play.

Laksa for day 3!
*3 days eating laksa...*

So-called umbra. 

The brother lend my aunt's motor and bring me together. 

stop by the hills and took the photo of the scenery. 

night? EAT.

My favourite chicken chop.
Expensive yo!

Last day post is coming. =)