
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tired of the heavy hairs. Getting a haircut.

So there's this day, 1 day, i saw a hair cutting drama on the television,
So i was thinking, WOW, so magical, Just cut hair only.. can make to a drama and i can just wow and wow and wow cause i like the drama a lot :O
So the next day i woke up. I find my hair heavy and disturbing 
(I don't really feel that last time, i love my long hair!!)
And yea, i noticed my hair are too thick and there's a lot of hair! and my hair getting more and more dry.
There's something bothering me, should i 

Thinking it'll be like those magical story. LOL.

So i start to tell my mum about it,
I always ask her this question, 
"Mum, should i get a haircut?" 
And she got tired of my nagging and she allow me to go to the salon! 
 There's a lot of people in this salon getting a haircut. 
Aw, Why is everyone here when i want to get a haircut?
You can see my unhappy face :O
This lady was the barber who cut and trim my hair.
Well, i wouldn't say it's her fault, 
It's my hair's fault for being dry!
So this is what happens: My hairs are all tangled and dry, she did not spray the water and just cut it, so she use the comb to comb my hair and cut it right? So my hairs are tangled, and she just comb it hard! You understand the pain? 
When someone pull out your hair from your HEAD?
Up: Before
Down: After
What do you think?

Left before, Right after.

Yay yay yay, i have short hair. ^^
My long hair.

My short hair.

End of story.
If you hate your hair and want to change a better look,


Thursday, February 24, 2011


I really don't know what to post here, my mind all blank!!
It's been sooooo long since i update my blog!
Well, where should i start?
There's a lot of thing that happened.
School was getting more and more interesting i guess.
A friend of mine created a group in facebook for our class, the status is always update!
A picture of me.

So yeah, where should we start?
Should we start from this Sunday, my brother went to his gf house to fetch her and i caught an indian open burning? It was ....!!!!!! (I was far away, that's why i had to zoom in, and yes, my camera quality is SUPER low when i zoom-ed in)

Or should i start from the sunflower i saw in my church last sunday too?
There's this uncle that planted it. There's lots of flowers! Not just the sunflowers that lighten up the whole church.❤

Or start from the curry mee i ate? Also, last sunday.
It was the BEST curry mee i've ever tasted. It was located near ........ idk where.

Or should i start from the sky that is so cloudy at the left side.......(go down see next picture)

...(continue) and so bright on the right side?

Or should i start from...
My brother who played basketball with the sec 1 kids? (kids these days are growing shorter and shorter.)
Well, when i was still thinking which topic to say, i've already finish saying all the stuff that happened.
Practically it's nothing.
I'm just bored because i had nothing to post about. Hope you guys don't mind!
Will dig out a topic ASAP.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

當我老了……When i'm old……

When I'm old.

When i grow old
Please understand and be patient with me
When i spilled soup on my shirt, when i forgot how to tie my shoe lace,
Please think of how i teach you when you were young.
When i kept on repeating the word that you are tired of hearing,
Please listen with patient, do not interrupt.
When you were young, i had to repeat the same story over and over again until you're asleep.
When i need you to bathe for me,
Please don't blame me.
Do you still remember i tried my best to ask you to bathe when you were small?
When I'm having problem with the new technology and new things,
Do not laugh at me.

Please think of how i replied all your "why" with patient when you were young.
When my legs are tired and couldn't walk,
Please reach out your hands and help me.
Just like how i helped you to walk when you were young.
When i suddenly forgot the theme of our conversation,
Please give me some time for me to remember.
In fact, for me, what we're talking about is not important as long as you're by my side to hear what I'm saying, I'm satisfied. 
Please don't be sad when you see me growing old.
Understand me, support me, like how you start to learn how to live and i taught you that.
I guided you into the road of life, and now, please accompany me to finish up the rest of my life.
Give me your love and patience, I will appreciate it with a smile, A smile which contained my endless love for you. 

Singapore day 6

Start to feel lazy to type xD HAHA.
Anyway, let's start with the day 6!
Yes, cycle at East Coast Park in the morning is a really healthy thing to do!

Mua bike. 

Me and my bike. :)

Someone even rented this. The elder are cycling behind while the kids sitting in front, HOW FUN!  

And yea, a lot of people were picnic-ing beside the beach and under the shady trees. 

My cousin wearing his roller blades. 

1 Hr rental+1hr free= 2 hours 

I spotted this girl, asking her mum loudly 
"Ma, where you all went just now? McDonalds? I WANT BURGER!! I WANT BURGERRRRR!!"
but her mum say she didn't go to McD, so the girl start to cry,
and then....

"NEVERMIND, no McD i won't die." 

Because my brother rented roller blades and he felt tired after a while, we went back and change for bicycle.

Changing roller blades. 

After that, we went home and talk, chat, play games, use computer. 

And in the night... 

Where you can find a lot of bars and beers and stuff there. 



Besides bar and beers.
The main point we go there is because of the night view.
The night view in singapore is superb nice. 
Like this tower here.
3 Buildings on top there's a plane, which was also a part of the building. 

Singapore river.

Singapore buildings.

I think this is a fire station if not wrong, it's very old already.

Building, bridge, river.

If you ever see Singapore drama, you will know this place, this river, etc. 

This is the Esplanade. 


Singapore Merlion. 

Me and Singapore Merlion. 

The cousins went to Coffee Bean,
and they bought..

2 people 1 cup :D
Very tasty. 

Mini Merlion.

After visiting those nice place and capture those night view, we went to look for "HAPPY".


I'm a beginner in this, but luckily i had my brother beside to teach, it was a Not-bad experience. Will try it again next time, I've fall in love with pool!


Oh, btw, there's no Singapore day 7, we went back the next day, yes, but it's nothing important to post about, so yeah.