
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Everything about the weeks

Hey people, I'm back to blogging.
So now i'm going to blog about my random life.
In the weeks.
This was taken when Miyan's coming to my house and wanted to lend my thermometer. 

This' about me doing my geography subject assignment thing and i just lie down there, taken by Miyan.

This was taken today, Malay essay seminar. 

Malay essay seminar's food.

And sandwich. 

Taken after school, in front of the toilet's mirror. 

This picture was taken after school too, in front of a broken mirror which i stick back into one.

Now, let me share a video with you, 
the sound of soup boiling @ my house.
How epic.
Like some sort of BIRD screaming for life..

Hope you enjoy! :)

Kthxbai .

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Howdy how?
Before i get into the topic, i would want to say something..

"No!!! Holiday's overrrr :( "
It's sad isn't it?
Yes. It's sad.

So, yesterday (thursday) me and 2nd brother was planning to buy a gift for my 3rd brother's birthday.
Click here to see the post.
And yeah, we went to Jusco, which was just... 100 steps or something like that away from my house. 
Convenient! Yes, that's the word.

And we walked around. 
We went in a shop, saw clocks and stuff. Nah. 
Not special.
We want something memorable. 
And we passed by a pet shop.
I joke around telling my brother.
"Let's buy a pet for him!"
And he replied
 "LOL, No way!" 
Hmm, no way?

We saw a lot of turtle in the aquarium. And we decided to buy 2 turtle + 1 aquarium.

Get ready for the super, ultimate, cute, adorable looking...


It's cute isn't it? This picture make this turtle look so big, but actually it's really small in size.

Turtle looking at me capturing it's picture.

Aw, it want to get out!

Two little turtle in a small aquarium. 
We went to wiki about this 2 turtle (red-eared slider turtle) and found out that

The red-eared slider is commonly kept as a pet and is often sold cheaply. Red-eared sliders are the most common type of water turtle kept as pets.[7] As with other turtles, tortoises and box turtles, individuals that survive their first year or two can be expected to live almost as long as their owners. Individuals of this species have lived at least 35 years in captivity.
Red-eared sliders can be quite aggressive—especially when food is involved. If being kept as a pet, care must be taken to prevent injury or even death of its smaller tankmates. However, the opposite can occur if shrimps are introduced as food. Smaller red-eared sliders less than a year old have been known to choke on the shells of the shrimps and suffer from lung puncture.

Sounds nice eh? Living together with you for ....70 years?
But it's true, turtles have long life.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The brother's birthday.

15th march. My brother's birthday :)
Morning he went to driving school and listen to amali. And when he came back...

Me " Bro, what date is today?"
Him " Don't know."
Me " You don't know? You sure?"
Him " Noob larrr~"
Me "Harr? What date?"
Him "15..."
Me "Ohhhhh!! 15th March ah?? Oh ya hor, EHH, today your birthday leh! Happy Birthday ah.." 
There, this is how i wish him Happy Birthday.
Such idiotic way. :) But still, i think he loves it.

And when i ask him "What present you want?"
He replied
"Keep your money and buy your english novel."
The sweetest answer i've ever received! 
Bday cake bought by dad&mum

Happy 17th Birthday :)

Look at him, holding his precious bday cake :P

The Birthday boy. xD

Me and him :)

Him and the parent.

May the good Lord bless you~
May the good Lord bless you~

He wanna KILL the cake.

He doesn't want to now..

He killed the cake.
The cake's now turned into slices. 
Haha, i think that's all for today.
Hope you guys had a great time yesterday :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Books. Lenten season.

Went to a Lent camp today (12/3/11) at my church. We played games and listen to speech. For me, the part i like the most was the ice breaking part, although I'm shivering real hard and cold ... Aha. I've never been so nervous for a while now. 2 rows of my teeth are banging 1 another. Yes, shivering. :P

Alright, so holidays coming. Actually i have no idea what i wanna do. :O Since it's lent season, i think i should do the thing. Yes, give up my h.p, my INTERNET!! and start to read... BOOKS. Yes, it's all about giving up what u really want and LOVE and do what u dislike. Reading....books.

So yea, i borrowed some books/novels from my friends at school, I know i'll rust in this 1 WHOLE week. Don't really feel like hanging out with friends and have fun. Just want to stay as quiet as possible and stay as inactive as possible.

Frankly, i don't really like these kind of thick and small novel books. The first time i see them i was like ...
"Oh gosh, i have to spend my holidays with these?..."
And when i opened the first page and start reading these kind of english novel for the FIRST time, i actually liked it. 

My english is very poor, especially grammar and vocab. Sigh, I'm really worried of my english. :O 
This is also the main reason why i want to start reading these kind of teen novels. 

I always saw my seniors holding these friction / non friction novels on their hands. I'm always thinking, "Why they like this kind of books? I mean, it's so thick and so expensive!" (FYI, i only read chinese novel) And now i understand, because it's INTERESTING. Yes, interesting is the word. :) And in other hand, it'll help to boost your vocab and grammar and also improve your writing skills.  

Yes, I'm so in love with the stories especially the book (Dear John)  ... I'm still half way.
I noticed my status from "Speed reader" changed to "Slow reader".


So short meh?

A story behind these heels. 
Got these heels from mum.
Glad that now I'm a big girl already. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eleventh of March.

I'm here, again. So where should i start? 
I took this picture on Tuesday after tuition. I guess I'm too happy because tuition ended. O.O 
So yeah, test ended, i see hope again! =.=
There's a period of time when i stop blogging for a while, I've been blending my brains for ideas and topics to blog. But.. you know.
So after exam, me and my friend, Miyan planned to go to Jusco. 
*See? We're so stress that when the exam finishes, we go to Jusco.*
We called along a friend too, her name's Cassandra. :)
When we arrived there, the first thing and the first place and do and go is... Bubble tea stall! 
Yeay :) Loves. 

The Malay lady who make us bubble tea. 
The process of making bubble tea looks so complicated, but i guess she's well-trained, because the bubble tea she make is SUPER EXPENSIVE than other people, and SUPER DELICIOUS than other people too!

From the left, Cassandra, Mine and Miyan. 

My bubble tea is YAM taste. 

And as usual, when Miyan and me go shopping, we will definitely find a place to stop and try all the NICEST shirt they have there like nobody's business. Instead of buying those expensive and cute and gorgeous outfit, we try them and take a picture. Yes, that's what girls always do when they go "window shopping". 
Inside F.O.S BIG and Comfortable fitting room. 
See? Pick a dress, Wear it on, Take a picture, smile.

A picture taken by Cassandra for me and Miyan. Yes, we wore the same dress, she loves it. What to do? Hahahaha, I think we're really suitable to become twins. 

I love LALAT glasses (Shades) They looked so AWESOME! Everyone loves it because it's a trend. Yes, a trend. But i seldom wear shades, so, forget it, i'm not buying it. :P 

Went inside Jusco and saw this OMG shirt. I showed it to Miyan and she read it out "OH MY GOD". 
After trying all this outfit thing, we went to Popular and read some books. I saw those english Fiction novels, drooling. And from then onwards, i fall in love with those novel thing. I start to borrow novels with my english-edu friends. And they're so friendly that they borrowed it to me. 
Now I'm currently reading "Dear John" Half way to go in a day. 
My next target, HARRY POTTER . 

Yeay .


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A close call.

Today when i'm walking home with the brother, i saw my mum came to fetch us, i was curious with the presence of my mum, so i asked her why is she here for us, and mum told us something had happened to her and that's why she can come back to fetch us.

This morning, she's driving an Avanza heading to Petaling. She passed by a rocky road with no road lines and the road was under construction. All the car drove fast because it was a high way. Mum drove fast too. All of a sudden, there's a car beside her car "SPEED" by her car and she heard a really LOUD and CLEAR voice. It was really Loud that she was shocked. She thought it was the wheel punctured.
But when she turned around..... She noticed the window's BROKEN! And the rock was aiming on her head! If the window wasn't tinted, she'd be gone or the glass will hurt her or WORSE stuff will happen.

The window in pieces shape, not collapsed yet. 
She was shocked! She didn't even dare to touch the window, she did not stop, did not open the window. All she can do is U-turn back home. 
When she passed by the plaza tol, she had to use the back window to touch the card. 

The pieces shaped window.
She kept on saying she's having bad luck and so on. But me and the brother told her :"Don't worry, breaking a window is NOTHING! Most importantly, you're safe!"

From the time the window break until she drive home, her heart never stop beating fast.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Changed a new look.

Changed a new look.  My blog, changed a new look.
I'm tired of the plain white. I want something that can give me spirit when i'm blogging,
Yes, yellow and a bit of i-don't-know-what-it's-called color.
I love this color a lot.
It gives me the strength to start things over again.





Saturday, March 5, 2011

Going to singapore?

SAY YAY to exam.

Well, there's this day, dad found a news about Singapore looking for student @ Malaysia give them scholarship and go to Singapore and study.

Mum knew that i like to go to Singapore and study, i've always DREAM of going there to study.

And then this news came, like ... suddenly just,.. BOOOOM!

My opportunity. :)

I mean,


So i say i want i want i want i want, and then mum registered for me. But i haven't complete the registration yet because i don't have my form 1 results and co-curricular information with me.

I HOPE SO MUCH that God will let me go.
I really don't want to stay here :(

There's a test & an interview for those who want to go,
My brain cells are dying thinking of what question will the test give..
;;; school exam question? ;;;
;;; why i like to go to Singapore and why i deserve a scholarship question?;;;
;;; ABC question? ;;;

And what kind of question will they ask when they interview me?
;;; What will you do if we send you to Singapore? ;;;
;;; What happens when you're sick? ;;;
;;; Will you study hard there? ;;;


Alright, calm down calm down.
I'm not sure if i will be soooo LUCKY to go or not..
BUT !!
I really hope i can go la.
Noo!! Must have confidence.
Just you wait and see.
*Next time i will be BLOGGING in Singapore!!*

*cross fingers*

