
Thursday, April 28, 2011

You going green?

Earth is dying, 2012 is coming, more and more natural disaster happening, which sort of freaks me out, and everyone else. If 2012 really is the world end, let it be. But, when there's still a way, don't give up on earth.

This day, i joined Go green walk for values.., doing the green thing. Reached school  at about 6.30am, was still sleepy and blur.

Gathered inside the school, waiting for instructions before we head off to Giant supermarket, where the Go Green Program is held.

Me and my friends waiting 

Off to Giant supermarket. Met lots of leaf kids there, really going green. 
All the costumes and makeups and greenery really impressed me. 

Other schools received green T shirts for them, but for our school? There's nothing.

Look at that GREEN!

People attended for the events are from different schools, approx 5,000 students 

My school aint no T shirt, so you can see yellow, blue, red, green, white everywhere! It's like so colorful! 

Me and my darls. 

No cars on the road, they're blocked somewhere, we occupied the road, our road. 

And everyone was given a white hat, and we walked for 3.5 KM. Not a really long walk, but a meaningful walk.

Hope they can organized it annually. So mother earth can live longer. 


OH HEY! Forgot to mention that...
 Ok, this is what happens, Go green had a facebook page, and i went to LIKE it. They are giving away 5 free limited edition T shirt, and there's a quiz u need to answer when they ask everytime, if you're FAST and Accurate, you stand a chance to win it. 
Front view of the shirt. 

Back view of the shirt.
And the quiz. 

kthxbai. C:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Request failed.

I always believed in law of attraction, but it didn't work this time. It never work. Never has it walk into my life. Request today failed, should i blame it on the law of attraction? Or maybe, myself.
I wasn't considerate enough, always, myself. But the urge inside me is killing, if there's a pill for it, i'll definitely consume it. It's the temptation sickness. And i seriously HATE it. How i wished i could just kill it, but sadly, it's a non living thing.

It's not mine and it'll never be mine.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Miyan's Bday

It was April 23rd. Miyan was happy when we said we wanted to celebrate her birthday, but she hide her feelings, kept on denying it. On that day, they prepared her 2 birthday cakes. 1 from girls' gang, 1 from her admirer. That day, i asked her
"Shapes or korean words?"
She answered me "Korean words." And i got her something..

God knows what is the necklace writing. Maybe it's saranghae or something like that. I need a professional translator now!!  

2 cakes from lavender! 

Bff forevaaa!!

did not write much,
im in a hurry :)

kthxbai x2

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our poem.

It had been a busy month. For us, and for the juniors. A month ago, chinese society sent me to look for students to enter the poem competition, 3 was chosen, we still needed one, the script will be better with 4 person.

We trained, because i was in morning session, so i stayed back to practice with them everyday after school, lunch was at 4.00pm by the time i reached home. But for them? They missed their classes.

2 weeks before the competition, the juniors came in. 2 did well, 2 still needed improvements. Overall everything went smoothly. We had impatience, anger, laughter and sorrows on the way. We correct one another and improved more and more on the way. 2 weeks for the juniors, they managed to do it.

Although we lost, we gained a lot of experience. 
Next year we will try again. Next time, we'll be better.


Friday, April 22, 2011

A teacher's birthday

Sorry for the late update for this post.
So 15th April was my class teacher's birthday. She's our english subject teacher, so really good teacher. That's why everyone prepared her a surprise birthday party. :)
She was happy and shocked.

Most of the classmates.

2 cakes. Chocolate banana. 

President and teacher.

Playing the cream attack!

Me and the twins. 

Attacked by cream.

That's all i guess.
Sorry for the short writing.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What do you think? This question haunted me for a year already. Since the day i fell in love with photography. I always thought of taking it seriously. But after heaps of thinkings and questioning, Am i really interested in filming and photography? Or is it just a hobby?

People plans stuff early. Like me. I've never stop thinking about my future. My future home, future husband, future kids, future life...and even how i looked like in the future. Although it's still long way to go... I just can't stop thinking bout' it!

Last year, i promised a girl that i will photo shoot for her, it was all because I'm interested in taking pictures of her, and other people too. Like, taking pictures for models. But until now, 2011, i still haven't done anything for her. It's like, I promised but i did not keep it. Do not make a promise you can't keep... what a word.

Recently, i made a promise again. Bear in mind, I don't really know if i can keep the promise. I told my classmates that i want to make a short film. Yes, first time making a short film, excited and happy was all written on my forehead. Everyone's excited too, we started giving jobs, writing scripts and even the places and storyline. But i forgot to ask myself, can i keep that promise?

Tonight, i made the same promise again to a girl, promised her that I'll help her to photo shoot, together with another 2 girls ( the one i promised in 2010 ). All of them were pretty girls, it's a big loss if you don't take pictures for them. So i will try my very best to fulfill all my commitments and promises. I want to make impossible possible.

"We create our own roads, with determination and hard work. I can make impossible possible." - Nichellynn

Pictures of photo shoots @ 2010.

That's all for tonight.
Good night.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Singing competition 2.

Finally there's picture post. Today's post is about the final for singing competition. Read the first post about singing competition >HERE< This time i managed to wake up early, and not at 7am. Got up, went to tidy up myself, got ready for the day. A busy day. Unplug the charger for my Dsc-f828, take the camera and went downstairs for breakfast. Korean noodles. One pack cost about RM2.70. Import stuff are really expensive, i say.

The air was so cooling and refreshing! And outside was all orange i can see. My mum said that i'll rain soon, and yes, it rained.
I love the scenery, looks very much alike evening scenery right? The scenery last about only 10 minutes until it turned back to normal color. 

All the participant had their songs ready. 

Helping to put up the banner. 

Carrying tables and chairs.

Master of ceremony. Smart guy wearing smart. Want to see how he wear previously?

No waaaaaaaaaay.

Both looked uber smart with the top.

Registration desk.

Audio, mic, PA.

The photographers. 
Wendy, Me.

Prize for judges. 

Price for participants that will win.

Me and my junior. 


Testing their songs, making sure everything's under control. 

Busiest person of the day.

Special guest!
Wee Ting :)

Smart guy smart girl.

Look at the audience out there. 

Giving comments.

Giving comments.

Everyone wants to take picture with handsome guys.
Who doesn't? 

Imma first to offer to take a picture with him, and he's so nice that he said, "Well, okay!" 
Oh well, see the happiness of my face, it's all written

Me and my junior, AGAIN.

Friends? Or manager? 

Wee Ting's performance. 

Guess what? He sing super nice and sweet! And well, when he starts to sing, everyone gone nuts, cameras are all ZOOP out from nowhere, i can just say..."I'm stunned."

Counting the marks.

Prize giving ceremony. 
The fifth prize.

Duet gets the fourth prize! 

Third prize for the guy.

second prize for the girl.

And woohoo! First prize for my junior. 

Not forgetting an award for the judge.

Everyone rushed to him after the ceremony ended, for? SIGNATURES. Duh.

Grats my junior for winning the first prize. 

That's all for today, 
coming up next,
A teacher's birthday.
Stay tune.
