
Friday, July 29, 2011

I WANNA GO!! Don't wanna study MALAY!!

Recently, someone reminded me about ..."Hey, we're going to learn ev'thing in Malay next year.."
And i was like "OH! I forgot!"

NOOOO WAAAY, I'm so not going to learn everything in Malay. It won't help me when i'm going overseas to study when it's time for my college. It's not going to come in handy if i go in local universities too.


And now, there's a classmate of mine switched to international school, i asked her lots of info about international school, isn't that obvious enough? I'm eager to go.

Near Convent, there's a new international school, I WANNA GO!!!!!!
Now all i need is to tell my mum, for my future, I don't wanna learn in Malay,....NEVER.
Imagine, learning science in malay, biology in malay, chemistry in malay, physics in malay.... Life would turn upside down. 

Cross fingers, i hope my request works.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I feel like i'm psychic ; I feel like i could predict the future, though i know it's really stupid & dumb to say this but, THINGS COME TRUE & IDK HOW THEY DO.

"I guess i'm sick, not like physically sick, but mentally." Or maybe it's just .... coincidence, what everyone says. 

If you don't believe me, let me tell you.

The day before i was sick, i was thinking about..."When is the last time i had flu?" And i kept on sneezing the next day.
Sitting down, thinking.."I remembered last time my phone spoiled because water spoiled the system in it." And the next day my phone spoiled because corn soup (water) spoiled the system. 

This is the 2 examples of it, there's more! But i couldn't remember them, there's too much for me to remember, it's crazy you see. Most of the stuff i'm thinking turns out to be worst or bad, and sometimes... history repeats.

It's not like i had Mayan people's blood. THAT WOULD BE COOL! But no, i don't want to be Mayans. 
That would be uber crazy. I could imagine everyone's pulling me and ask me....

"Hey, can you predict if Adam's gonna proposed to me later?"
"Please please please predict if i'm gonna get an A for my geography."
"Please tell me my mum's not in the hospital."

And i'll be standing in front of them, holding a crystal ball in my hand, with weird words and facial expressions, and i tell him........."It's a bad news." See? Crazy.

And hey, Click HERE to see REASONS the world will not end in 2012, i just happened to searched this web and read it. I don't know it's true, or fake, just read it, no harm done.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Photoshooting weekend.
Just enjoy the picture :D

Brain in your leg? BULLSHIT.

Dear Diary:

Today the brother start with ...

"You use your butt and think " and that's when the debate between me and him start.

"My butt can't think cause there's no brain in it. Brain is in your head, or else where would it be? Your leg?"

"Yea, my brain is in my leg." The brother told me.


"Oh bullshit, even babies knew that brain is in the head..." i said.

Neither me or him want to give up, maybe that's what made us siblings.

I lost every time, he's too rich with biology information, ....something like grey metal, cell division, mutated, big head, disable child, EVERYTHING threw at me and leave me carrying all the weight of his explanations. DAMN, if only i had more info(s). [ MUST-CHECK-MORE-WIKI]

Silly me said that "Let's go scan with x-rays and we'll know if brain is in your leg, if i win, u owe me thousand ringgit."

He shook his head, his expression showing that he's laughing at me, start giggling, and finally told me
"X-rays are for bones, not brains."

So what's for brain?

"There's a R letter." he said again.

"Ray? RGAY? " Still confused.

"MRI." and satirize me. "You're lacking of info and knowledge. tsk tsk tsk."

I'm so-not-science...

I ran out of info and ideas, kept quiet for a while.

"Don't keep quiet, come, continue debate with me, why give up so early?"

He told me that he had this cell-division-and-mutated thing when he's born, still, i don't believe, no one would, if he's really that special, he would've been in newspapers or Wikipedia, he can't fool me. And so, i went to take my science textbook, throw everything back at him.

"There's muscles and nerve and blood everything, it can't fit in the leg, too much pressure for your leg. " i debated.

"Mine slipped down the leg when i was in form 1..." He explained.

"You would've died now cause your leg aint no hard bones to protect your brain, and i remembered that u fell down from the bike when you ride my bike last time, why aren't you dead?"

"I went in the hospital for 3 months!" He said.

"IMPOSSIBLE, i'm your sister that lives with you, not a friend, why don't i remember you went to hospital? and HA! You told me before that you had cell division and mutated etc when you're a baby, and now u're saying? FORM 1, brain slipped down your leg? HUH. "

"Oh damn." he said and yes, i finally won. Eliminated all his biology's evidence and still, preferred my common sense.

Monday, July 11, 2011

First time neglected my blog for MONTHS! Gosh i know, but don't you worry, cause more pictures are coming soon ❤ stay tune.

p/s: Cbox is gone, so comment @ the post. Please n tq. ^^