
Monday, November 28, 2011

Receiving money for good grades & dinner.

 I don't want to type.

Were at the market @ Sunday after church.

always my favorite shop -- Korea won mart.

@ the market, picking fruits. Pears. 

What are you killing, mate? Meet your MEAT. 

And @ the park @ evening. Sun was actually ready to sleep, moon shall rise. 

Did i mentioned the CUTE lil crocs @ the morning market? Oh , i didn't...Did i?

 I remember how we always sing about flowers. :3

God father

Everyone was born to have a God father, well, me too. Met him the other day, he knew we're going to HK and Taiwan @ dec, he told us lots about Jesus. Well, that's what most God fathers do. He made me remember of how he kissed me on my cheeks when i were small.

*The sun so bright we could hardly open our eyes!*

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A day out with triple Y

So today me and triple Y, yikthong, yi wen, yin may went to AEON JUSCO, which was just in front of my house, few steps away.

We went to watch a movie called SHARK NIGHT, it was a movie for 18 years old and above, but triple Y's are all so freaking TALL! I am the one who looked like KID there, braces, short hair, square shirt, i mean.. You get what i mean.

And of course, when we're purchasing tickets, the person didn't suspect at all. Cause of my all-so-matured-friends. :) We get to watch SHARK NIGHT, a terrible movie which we regretted ONCE we stepped into the cinema. -SCARY-

We went to pizza hut after the movie ... tired and hungry.FYI, we were covering our eyes and ears and all when we're watching SHARK NIGHT.

Me and Yik Thong @ pizza hut. See, who more mature? She so pwetty :) (YIKTHONGIKNOWYOUAREREADINGTHIS)

YinMay and YiWen

I forgot the name of the pizza. I'm busy taking photos and all.

After that, they came to my house, we took pictures, use the internet, and look at some primary school biodata from our friends last time.

YiWen too excited, found out some LITTLE secret from what YikThong wrote me last time.

Then we went for photoshoot beside my house's alley.
YiWen & YinMay

Me YiWen & YinMay

Beautiful YiWen

Gorgeous YiWen & YinMay


YinMay & YiWen again. (Cause me and YikThong busy shooting with our Nikon D7000 and Canon 60D)

YikThong and YiWen

YinMay me YikThong YiWen

YikThong with her EOS 60D

YikThong and Me.

Me and YinMay

Me and YiWen

 Me and YiWen

Me and YikThong's big head + EOS 60D

YinMay & Me

 Okay, thats all. TIRED O...
