
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Singing competition 高阳星光大道

Hi all!

I'm here to update about FINALE for Chinese society singing competition :)

So they said we have to arrive early. Before 6.30am. I woke up at 5.30am, feeling like ...

When i reached school, i went to change into my beach fashion outfit.

My long skirt just flies around like nobody's business, but yes of course, I'm really shy.

Here's me. My small eyes looks swollen.

After that, the makeup artist and hairstylist all arrived to help us TRANSFORM.

ha ha, my bare face.

Sorry, i don't want to show you the picture of me after makeup and hairstyle-d because it's really "AUNTIE", 

i don't mean they are not professional, just that i look so weird with those curls. 

But i did take some picture after competition, by then my curls had already gone.

Famous YouTube star, Esther Koh, guest of the day for the opening ceremony. 
Esther Koh, YouTube 歌手,当天的特别嘉宾。

Always top 3. Highest score in judges hearts, her name is Rince, Xiang Zheng. 

Top 10. Senior Benjemin, King of high pitch. King of 我是一只小小小小鸟 and 煎熬。

Special style of singing, lots of fans and can kill girls with his singing. He is Yap Tze Jian.

Here are the trophies. 

A person that had been supportive all along.



2 person above, Zheng Ying (shocked face) and Miyan (blur face) are both photographers.

Guest, Esther Koh performing on stage.

Wee Ting, giving comment during the competition.

Kido, giving comments during competition.

Amy, good singer, good judges.

Here's me.

Choosing rivals.


Two very beautiful ladies that attended. THEY ARE AWESOME PEOPLE.
Top 10 that enter finale, need to choose 3 with highest score to go straight to FINALE without singing (without music), 
while the rest need to compete with a song (without music) and only 3 will get to enter finale. MEANS, OVERALL, there is only 6 LAST standing.

And the top three....
UNEXPECTEDLY! i was the 3rd highest score! Followed by Rince, Xiang Zheng and then Tze Jian! AWESOME PEOPLE! i don't have to compete with others! and enter finale straight away :)

One of us who entered finale.

Judges of the day.

OK, here's my makeup, very thick right? HMMM... with my bestie, Ern Zhen.


Happy day.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

PYTHON. Hisssss...

I don't know why i'm updating about Python. But this topic really drew my attention. I was just googling about stuffs i wanted to know and then i saw a video Python eating swallow deer and then spit it out. You can't really use the term EAT as python don't chew, they just SWALLOW you straight away. Well yeah, how scary is that?

And from googling to WIKIPEDIA.

The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, from the Greek word python (πυθων), are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in AfricaAsia and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world. Eight genera and 26 species are currently recognized.[2]

Pythons are found in sub-Saharan Africa, India, Burma, southern China, Southeast Asia and from the Philippines southeast through Indonesia to New Guinea and Australia.[1]
In the United States, an introduced population of Burmese pythons, Python molurus bivittatus, has existed as an invasive species in the Everglades National Park since the late 1990s.[3] 
Prey is killed by a process known as constriction; after an animal has been grasped to restrain it, a number of coils are hastily wrapped around it. Then, by applying and maintaining sufficient pressure to prevent it from inhaling, the prey eventually succumbs due to asphyxiation

Ok, so you wanna know how the Python eat BIG STUFFs? Here, learn about Constriction.

Constriction is a method used by various snake species to kill their prey. Although some species of venomous and mildly-venomous snakes do use constriction to subdue their prey, most snakes which use constriction lack venom.[1] The snake initially strikes at its prey and holds on, pulling the prey into its coils or, in the case of very large prey, pulling itself onto the prey. The snake will then wrap one or two coils around the prey.

A Carpet snake (Morelia spilota variegata) eating a chicken.
Contrary to myth, the snake does not crush the prey, or even break its bones. Traditionally, it has been thought that snakes hold tightly enough to prevent the prey from drawing air into its lungs, resulting in death from asphyxia.

If you think all of the above Python are devil, here, let's see some human OPEN cut the Python and get the DEAD pig.

Basically, i tried to search for


And then i gain a picture...

Ok, i understand that it's A BIT disgusting, but some of you might wanna see it. So those who felt like vomiting please proceed with what you're doing. We are almost ending anyway. 

PG 100

Disgusting content...

Not really that scary..

Just lots of snake liquid and some blood...


No picture...

Nah just kidding..

I won't make it extra large, or some of you might really puke.


I did set the picture x-large


compare to this...

THIS.... is scary.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Training for FINALE (school singing competition)

So we were told to gather at the school bus stop and they will bring us to the trainer's house to train our vocals and techniques of how to sing. Frankly speaking, it was educational. As in, it helped me a lot. So, it was counted as a success i guess? Even if i didn't win this time, i gain enough experience already. Appreciate it much :)

So we went to Kido's house, he's a trainer as well. Singer i think. And it was a big house. Some where around Klang Parade...

So basically the first thing the trainer told us when we reach the house was, 

"who's afraid of dogs? no...Puppy.."

And eventually there's someone who doesn't like it. But i love it very much.


An 8-years old poodle with my Seniors smelly socks. This poodle is PRECIOUS, maybe because it's old, it's less active... And we all love it. It doesn't run around chasing people and biting other people like mad dogs. Instead, it just lay under your foot, and let you pad it. Very cute and obedient dog. Frankly speaking, this white poodle looks very much alike a lamb or goat. I'm serious! Not joking. It's like a lamb, especially the fur.

Unlike the 3-4 months baby poodle.

I know right, looks cute on pictures and all.. but in real life, it's super mischievous as it jumps around biting people and scared off pretty much beautiful ladies from our team. It's really hard to capture the dog's movement, as it moves every time, unlike the white lamb. So i had to set my ISO high. Dem. :(

And then it's the training session. Guys first, as they have different range of tone compare to girls. And so they are lead into the soundproof room, (i call it soundproof because we can't even hear a single person singing from outside) While we were told to wait outside. 

Awesome prizes won by the trainer. Really awesome. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Everything also got.

Pictures were taken by Wendy. As she is the one who has the freedom to go in and out from the room and to the living room.

Then i realize how loud it is when we were in the soundproof room doing the "AH~AH~AH~AH~AH~AH~AAAAA~"
It's amazing how u can't hear a thing when you were at the living room.

Okay, so first they tried out our range. Mine was quite bad, cause i can't pull too high nor too low. So... yeah.
Picture above, we were told to put our hands near the throat and see if you can feel the vibration when singing.

Picture above, we were to feel our diaphragm, i guess, one of the main thing that's important to use in singing. 


Once again, when we're done, we're out to the living room again. And this time it's the youngster's turn.

And then everyone were to enter the room together, one by one we sing a 30sec song, and they will correct us. This is the part where we learn most.

I guess that's it. That's all i could say. Just stay tune for the FINALE, it would be AWESOME! We will put on our costumes, pretty clothes, whatever you call it, and we have the best PA system, as they told us, and even hairstylist and makeup artist to doll us up during the Finale. That's why i said, it's awesome. Stay tune!
