
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Very random updates of Le Xin Ning

First of, i would like to share a couple of photos.

This is a pic where my second brother tag me on facebook :P I told him that i wanted him to teach me how to drive, and the next thing he does is tag me this pic.

People, want to view 3D with your naked eye without a pair of 3D glasses? Learn how here : and practice here = it's hard at first for me too, but then later im impressed with the result!! really pretty and nice!! sharp too! incase you don't know what's cross eye, here it is =

Just try to get it to overlap and then do your best to focus it!! The end result is really nice ! U won't regret and would crave for more.

I hurt my chin few weeks ago... On a treadmill. Slip and fell. It hurts... And swollen too, very ugly... Had to bear with it for 5 days till it is fully unnoticeable. Everyone who see me would ask what happened to my chin, and i kept on explaining. So those days, i kept my head low in school. Here's a pic of me after falling down.

I tried on the plaster, but it's super obvious! So i took it out,...

This is the 4th day. The skin started shedding, and after that, the whole thing drop. And that's when i started NOT looking down again. It's back to my skin colour.

Btw, my hair has not been trimmed or cut or ,.... for 4 months... Last time the barber cut until SUPER DUPER short, and for few months i didn't even bother to style or trim my hair. Quite convenient though. Haven't even touch the collar.

Marshmallow that spelled weird... Mashmeliow.... WHUTTT?

MA-SSSS-MEH-LEOW.... is this how i should read it?

BBQ at 火辣辣 botanic yesterday!

And a few shots of myself captured by my super duper pro second bro.

 Levitation photography.

HEY YOU! i see you take my picture again i would take your camera away!

Levitate while praying.

 And also, a super big grasshopper outside my house today! Gave me a shock of my life, i passed by it and my heart STOPPED!

 I ran upstairs in a speed of light, wake my brother up and asked him to help me catch it. And then i go to church to attend sunday school. I asked him during mass, did you capture it? He said no. And when i came back, there's a piece of paper and this tupperwear with this grasshopper inside written, to my beloved sister. LOL

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Holiday Mickey

Last thursday, i went to Midvalley for the Mickey mouse exhibition. It wasn't THAT pack like what i expect. But boy, they do have lots of amazing mickey mouse that's design by different people. Today i'm gonna show you some mickey mouse i like that's designed by different company and shops / people.

Before we start visiting the exhibition, we went to SUSHI TEI to have some lunch.

Well, i ordered salad, and i couldn't help but divide the vegetables into 2 plates, and it's frigin full! I actually ate half plate of the salad which was made up by fresh vegetables and some salmon and NO FRUIT.

And a refreshing green tea after lunch.

 That's when we start our day.

This one's quite impressive, Mickey mouse made by laces.

 DSLR mickey mouse by EOS company. Canon that is..

I love this one, somehow it looks smart, but simple and wikipedia-ish.

Here's the whole from F.O.S, factory outlet store.

And my favorite Mickey of the day....

GRASS MICKEY won first prize from!

Guess who grew a pair of mickey mouse ears?

I was capturing all the mickey mouse picture, didn't even have time to look at it. But when i came to this mickey, i suddenly look at it and realize...THIS IS LEE CHONG WEI! Ok i'm impressed, how they draw it, and the eyes... that's..impressive!

The chong wei mickey actually caught my attention.

Happy Mickey's Holiday!

Monday, June 4, 2012

OUTBAC Broga / Putrajaya trip

Hey guys, i'm finally here to update my blog. If you've saw the pictures on my facebook, still you have to read this because i did not add any description on my facebook pictures. And another difference is that, i edited my pictures, so it's different from my fb pictures. Now you can finally see how "pro" am i at editing pictures. You could compare, but better don't, or u might get disappointed. Maybe..

Yeap, it all started with the Bus journey, as always, we were chatty, talked about almost everything,
now most of my friends have ipads, they took out their i-devices and samsung galaxies and stuff and started playing their fav games and stuff, temple run or angry bird, or whatsoever. I'm one of them who plays the ipad, using my friend's.

Here's my neighbor. Also my best friend for this past 4 years of my secondary school life. Oh, the ipad was her's.

Here's the view for Seri Wawasan Bridge... It's nice, and well designed. My friend told me that her uncle took part in this bridge design-build project.

And this rocket-like thing, it's awesome, it wrote like, history of Malaysia along our way up. I wonder how high it would build after we die? maybe 22nd century it would be so high you can't see that it's a rocket anymore.

On our way up... you can see all the YEARS and what happened during that Year. The history of the YEAR.

Here's an example. On 1885,..... this thing happened. HAHA. We tried to find 1996, as we were born in 1996, but sadly there aren't any interesting incident that happened in 1996, so they did not include it inside the collection. Poor thing, during my year there weren't any interesting history for Malaysia..

 Yet, again, the bridge. I searched on wiki that this amazing bridge is..

The Seri Wawasan Bridge is one of the main bridges in Putrajaya, the Malaysian federal administrative capital. This futuristic cable-stayed bridge which has a sail ship appearance, connects Precinct 2 on the Core Island to the residential area of Precinct 8.

 On our way up, we spotted this breath-taking view, stunning, gorgeous and beautiful. I later learned that it was..

The Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque, or Iron Mosque (MalayMasjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin or Masjid Besi) is the second principal mosque in PutrajayaMalaysiaafter Putra Mosque. It is located in Putrajaya's Precinct 3, opposite the Palace of Justice. Construction began since April 2004 and was fully completed on August 2009.[1] It was officially opened by the 13th Yang di-Pertuan AgongTuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin on June 11, 2010.[2]
The mosque was built to cater to approximately 24,000 residents including the government servants working around the city center as well as areas within Precincts 2, 3, 4 and 18. Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque's area is twice that of Putra Mosque, which is located 2.2 kilometers north.

 Then we drop-by the Putra Mosque..

 Putra Mosque, or Masjid Putra in Malay language, is the principal mosque of PutrajayaMalaysia. Construction of the mosque began in 1997 and was completed two years later. It is located next to Perdana Putra which houses the Malaysian Prime Minister's office and man-made Putrajaya Lake. In front of the mosque is a large square with flagpoles flying Malaysian states' flags.

The first thing i saw when i walk in the mosque was people with blue robes. I thought they were the malays who came for prayers, but NO, they were chinese tourist, from Taiwan and China. Then i wonder...

I later realize that for ladies to go in, they need to wear blue robe, covering their hair and body, i heard a tour guide telling the China tourist that girl's hair are "SEXY" and that they need to cover it. We lend the robes from the robe counter. We waited as there are no robes left, and wearing the robes that people wore before is PURE disgusting. But when it was my turn, the manager i think, he came and open a new pack of robes, which smells so nice that i thank God so much.

Souvenir shop.

Lending the robes.

People with their tech devices and ipads and phones and dslr.

Here's me and Chiew Fei.

 Here's Miyan with her ipad.

Us again.

From left, Gythri, Chiew Fei, me and Miyan

Then we were ready to board a ship to go round putrajaya to visit the place, before that, we went into an air-conditioned souvenir shop to walkabout because the weather is so FRIGIN` hot and that we need to chill. Trust me, i was sweaty all over! especially when i take off the robe after visiting the mosque. Oh god, i can't describe how hot it is.

bought ice cream from the souvenir shop. We both chew away the outer layer of the ice cream, it was jelly, NOT even CLOSE to cold... and all we wanted was the inside, that's REAL ICE.

On board, i don't think anyone's listening to the guy talking in front, everyone's basically doing their own thang and chillin` in the air-cond ship.

View from the ship.

Then we reached Broga. We had to collect our own blankets and also wash our own dishes, but there's air-cond in every room and me and my friends were arranged to be in the same room as the teachers. We were lucky, there were 2 toilet in our room, we need not share or fight for toilets like others do.

But there's few things that other people can do and we can't. They can shake their double Decker beds without worrying whether the person down there would mind, we can't, cause all the teachers are sleeping down, and every time we climb, we have to be extra careful not to wake the teachers, and that we have to sleep late, you can't sneak in at night and wake the teachers when climbing up the double Decker bed, it's pure rudeness. And the stairs of the double Decker bed makes a loud SQUEEEEEK noise. Which annoys me MUCH.

I have to admit that this place is beautiful. And pure nature beauty with hills at the back. But one thing i hate when it comes to night, BUGS, INSECTS, FLIES.... :'( They have those BIG FAT flies. BIG ONES. Greeny.

 We were to gather around. You know, we were unlucky, because the time we came, it started raining. The weather was so nice before we came. And after we came, it rained. And the rain stop, and start and stop and start like tap water.


When the rain stopped, we started our Flying fox activity in the evening. After flying fox, it rained again, now it was BIG and heavy rain, we had to stop all activities, and thats the end for our first-day activity, everyone were soaking wet, except for me, i did not go and play in the rain. Don't ask me why, health issues.

At night, we had campfire. People gather round and watch fire burn and dancing around. On the picture below, you can see rain, actually. Yes, the rain stopped, but it came back when we start the activity, AGAIN. GOSH, how can we be so unlucky. So they danced in the rain, so romantic.

The next day, we woke up at 4.45am. Prepare the climb the broga hill. Torch light prepared, and woke other members up. When we decided to move out, it RAINED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frigin pissed.

Everyone was sad. And some went back to sleep as they slept for only 1 or 2 hours due to partying and sleeping late playing. I slept at 10pm something, and woke up at 12am, due to their loudness and laughter that can be so annoying, and i on my phone to check what time isit, frigin 12am! and then my friend called me, i whisper "hello?" he said "GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!" followed by a gang of guy's laughter, i hang up my phone and off it and went back to sleep!

Cup noodles in the morning brought by Miyan.

We did not went back to sleep, when the sky turned bright, we went cycling. RM3 for half an hour. Not worth it though.
The road was ROCKY all over, and it is REALLY hard to cycle. We keep vibrating and jump around, our tyres can't even go smoothly, unless you cycle on the grass.. THIS IS TORTURING, and tired and sweaty. We decided to stop after 15 minutes. Plus, we have nowhere to go except cycling round and round, and like i said, IT WAS TIRING.

Then we continue our unfinished activities that was interrupted by the rain yesterday. Luckily it didn't rain. But it was so unfair, after we were gone, there's NO MORE rain! UGH.

I manage to do the rock climbing, it was fun and thrilling.

Some friends went kayaking, wet, again.

Friendly and helpful instructors of OUTBAC broga.

So before checking out, we took shots of the place.

btw, i will never forget this shower. I broke the tap thingy, due to too many turns made (the water so small!!! we thought it would get bigger if u turn it more rounds, when you bath it's like something hitting your head at one spot), so the water never stop dripping.

Later i was told that the teacher fixed it. But at night, the thing couldn't hold on anymore, it break and the water started flowing, it's a waste, and it's midnight, who am i going to wake? Others still sleeping soundly, idk what to do. I jump down the bed, i could hardly sleep, the water's too loud and i guess other thinks that it's the rain sound.

So i tried fixing back the tap, but it won't go in, ugh, my leg was all wet and the temperature was low as we were staying near broga hill. i press in the tap, the water stop flowing, and when i release, the water started flowing. I stand there for 5 minutes, holding the tap, turning and getting myself wet. I feel so helpless. And then i just left it feeling so sad about wasting water. It was dripping, exactly the sound of rain. And went to another toilet to prepare myself, but then another toilet has BUGS! BIG 4 WING-ed bugs. I ran back to the toilet, which the tap was broken, got my legs wet and soak and quickly change my clothes went back in. Later the teachers woke up and said

"OH, i thought i was the rain.."

Later someone came to fix it.

here's the rocky road i told u

this is the souvenir shop.

After checking out. We went to the chinese temple to visit.

This is the zodiac for chinese. Mine's a pig. Chiew fei's a rat, but she loves pig. So..

Look, we have a twin.

Anyone care to explain this? A dragon, with tortoise shell and carrying bunch of golds...

had lunch at KFC!

And visited Beryl's chocolate factory.

Gotta admit that the ice cream there was fantabulous! It tasted like yogurt, fresh and nice. Not like other ice cream, this tasted so yummy like you're eating yogurt instead of ice cream.
