
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Family portrait.

I know this is a late post, it's 1st of January, 2014, but here i am, posting about Christmas. AHHHH. How i missed christmas :(

The other day was my mom's birthday. And so it happened that dad had already set up the christmas tree. So mom decided that we should really get a group photo together. I just feel that time really flies and now we're all grown up. Parents think that they should really get as many group photos with their family as possible so that it can be kept eternity (in my hard disk of course)

Mom received a bouquet of really lovely lilies. It smelt really nice and sweet too. Mom was on cloud nine. It was from sister and i'm sure it cost a lot.

While daddy here is holding sunflower which was second brother's graduation bouquet. You can see the graduation teddy on it. 
The set up was just perfect! With the curtains behind and the christmas tree just add so much to the mood that i wanted. And i was sweaty all over setting up everything which i myself had to go in to take some photos too. Oh well.

I decided that day that i should totally go with something red. Christmas meant red and green. But my family seem to really like the idea of black and white. But my red balanced out their black, so i guess it's okay? :)

Wearing red being the odd one out. But the photo turned out really awesome! I showed dad and he really loved the lighting and the setup and our smiles. :) That's the perfect family photo that i've always dreamt of capturing. The moment.

Daddy with his sons. 

Big brother had to rush for work, so five of us took another group shot, this time with me and third brother wearing our christmas hat. 

So i guess it's the end for christmas post.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Heartsey's photoshoot. (Weird dog alert)

It's the time of the day where we (We as in me and my third brother) decided to let our dog release some energy after a long day at home. I still remember the photos were taken after my spm that day, and i quickly changed into my casual outfit, clinging onto my dslr and went out with my third brother to the nearest field near our house. She was really excited, i was too, ready to capture some images that even i didn't think of capturing.

The weather was great, the sun is being really kind to us and glad that Heartsey get to enjoy to her heart's content. I let her roam around without leash since it's around 2pm, there's no one around for her to chase, worry free, i took out my camera and ready to capture some moments.

This is a totally normal photo of her. She is just starting to get used to the field, all calm before the storm, before she goes berserk. 

Dogs can sniff sooo much better compared to human, i need not to say, of course dogs can smell better, they can smell which dog were there, pee and all the scent that they pick up. It's weird how they can smell a patch of grass for 5 minutes without getting tired. 

Here she is, possessed by the spirit of berserk dogs. Mentality ill, she ran around in high speed, circles and not stopping, her eyes were in full red. You know full moon, like when human turning into a wolf. 

I was shocked when i saw this picture. Honestly, when i pressed the shutter, i did not know what i was getting, i did not check it too, i totally amazed myself when i saw this photo. Heartsey, all ready to charge in front in high speed. 

This photo right here, she looked like a bull who saw the red cloth. Agree or agree? 

And when she finally calmed down, she started to stare into space until we pretend to chase her and she started running like mad cow again. 

i find her chewing grass more and more nowadays. 

So the grass was really warm that day, like i said around 2pm, and the grass was obviously too soft and comfortable to resist. Not knowing the term "DIRTY" she lay flat on the floor and started rolling and scrubbing her body full power against the grass. We tried to stop her of course, i mean, she bathed and smelt really nice and now she's trying to make it all go away?! 
We ran towards her and of course, dogs ran faster, they have 4 legs, so she ran to another spot, sniffed and started her rolling job again. And so we kept chasing her around the field. It was awesome experience. But tired. 

There are more photos below, i'll let you guys caption it.

 By the end of the day, this will be what you'll get.


Monday, December 16, 2013

My Macbook Air.

Okay, i've been waiting for this moment for so long! Finally my macbook arrived. Previously, i said that i wanted a pro, but then after some serious thinking and considerations, i've chosen the air. The difference between the two were always discussed by many and people couldn't make up their mind. But then after many web surfing and observations, i've chosen the MBAir. Why? Because it's lighter and way cheaper. Don't make me go into how expensive apple products are, but at the end of the day, you love what you get.

And i've gotta thank my parents and especially my dad for supporting me in getting this computer (and my mom who talked him to buy me one, thanks mom, i love you). I can now properly stream videos using a laptop (Which i've not for several years now) and finally using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop without any lags, the screen is just absolutely stunning. I've got to thank my senior, Wang Zhang for giving me advice and telling me his personal experience of which is better and which is not. All in all, i'm a happy kid and i can't have enough of the MBAir. It's just stunning.

I almost went breathless when the package arrived. It's finally here after a long wait. And it's in front of my eye, not image, but real! Luckily my parents were not there to see my funny expression. 

I've been using it a lot for a day, downloading programs and applications. The wifi works great, though there's no ethernet port and VGA port, but it's okay. I could live with that, If you want the thinness and portability, sometimes there's things that you have to sacrifice. That's just how things work. 

The computer also has this super large trackpad, which was the mouse pad as everyone know, it's just great. Big, large, and you can do multi gestures on it. Like scroll with two fingers, change tabs with three fingers, open launch pad with four fingers (apps) and five fingers just clears away all the windows on the desktop, and then it seems so tidy. Of course i haven't figured out many stuff yet, but i will soon. There's no need for mouse anymore. Like how cool is that? You can also pinch to zoom and rotate with it. Bye bye mouse clicking! I've always had trouble rotating photos with mouse that my arms hurt.

There's some short cuts that i've to give up since using apple which is i always use backspace to go back to the previous page, but now you can't do that. And i've still not figured out what shortcut that uses, but well.

The ports on the right hand side of the macbook. 

Heartsey is actually crying because i was ignoring her over my new toy. She doesn't get it why her mom is so excited, she didn't know. She just doesn't. 

And when i put my macbook against my old acer laptop, there's just too much to say. Backlit keyboard!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?
The laptop was originally my brother's. But then he bought a new laptop, so i'm stucked with his. You can see the keys, how they turned yellow and blackish. And the heatness, it's just crazy heat!
For MBAir, you can feel the heat coming up from the top left corners, but other than that, other places are cool to the touch. i feel really great. No more burning sensation. 

There's this thing about my old laptop, it's the BLUE screen you see above. It's CRAZY. It shows up once in a while and i had to press the computer hard and sometimes smack it several times to make it disappear. 

My macbook with my ipod touch. Apple is really great at designing computers, they have really stunning designs. I don't just see appearance though, the performance is great too. Period. 

Beautiful or what? How can you resist. And the keyboard i'm typing with now is just pure awesomeness. It doesn't feel loose or squeaky like my previous laptop. AHHHH, i'm just so happy now. 
Okay, i haven't been updating because i've been waiting for my macbook to arrive to update it and now i've done it. Let me arrange my photos and i'll get back to you guys about heartsey's photoshoot and a few photos that i've gathered after spm. Soon, very soon. :)

kthxbai. (How long have i not used this LOL)


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Early November thoughts and updates.


                 So today i thought of writing some posts. I know it's SPM month, but i wouldn't just sit still and study all day. I'm feeling itchy and guilty for not updating my blog when i really wanted to. So my first update's gonna be about my SPM.

Basically i gotta shout it out loud that IT'S FINALLY HERE!
Well of course i'll be even happier when it's finally over, but this is WAY much better than waiting for a long period of time and counting the how-many-days-left-until-spm. That just sucks! I hate it, i absolutely hated it. Every time when i'm in a middle of doing something that is lifting my mood up, my friends would just approach me and say "Hey, do you know that SPM is only XX days left?" At first it was XXX, then it became XX and then X and then finally no more X.

After BM paper

                While i am writing this, (Note: Malay and English and sejarah is over) Yes. I wouldn't say i ACED it, i also wouldn't say i RUINED it. I would say ....border line. But i'm glad that this year i'm having my SPM in a classroom. See, there's always this thing about HALLS. You know, it's SO wide and BIG. And this year the halls are full of geniuses who aced FULL As in their exam. And i would feel pressurized if i were sitting in the same class as they are. I'm glad i got a classroom beside the hall which consist of all the classmates from my class this year. At least i have my best friends behind and beside me. Everywhere. It's always comfy to see close friends beside you on your nervous day.

                   My mom said that this year's spm is terrible because of the 2 SPMers that passed away after and during BM paper. One during the test and one in the hospital. Both Malay girls. And it's truly sad to hear that. I mean, they still have a wide and journey-ful future. And yet now they're gone. One is even a possible straight A scorer. It makes the others feel really regretful about it.

Testing out brother's graduation hat.

So my second brother has finally graduated!! SCREAM AND SHOUT AND LET IT ALL OUT.
I don't know why i'm so happy. We're all growing up so fast!! I bet my parents still prefer us as babies / kids. :)

So mom decided that we should go to the studio to shoot some photos. And so we did. And mom was like, come ning, let me put on some makeup on yo face and i was like.  O_O

I think it was pretty good. HAHA, i told her i want it to be as LIGHT as possible. BETTER NOT PUT LAH.

Yeah............................ about the photographer. HE has lots to change about our posing, how we smile, how we put our hands. Yeah.... too many rules.

Brother's graduation photoshoot day.

Smart. Later they suited up. :)

Have i told you that i'm going to further my studies at UTAR? Yeap, and it's gonna be at January intake! T_T mad sad. And my mom said if i get 7As in my spm i'll get a macbook pro. If i don't i'll have to use my money. OMAIGAWD, i wanna bring macbook pro to UTAR!!! :D

I hope my dad let la. There's lots of functions and also it doesn't heat up badly like my current laptop do. I think it suits its price. The quality and heavy duty laptop that i need for editing photos and videos, writing my upcoming book (HEHEHEHE) and also other university tasks. I know, i have so much to do after SPM! AHHHHHHH. I hope time pass quickly. :D

kthxbai. Continue my sejarah paper 3, tomorrow 3 hours. SIEN!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dad's birthday celebration.

It's my dad's birthday.
And my sister got us a durian cake. With a price of course. And it wasn't cheap. It was hand made cake by her aunt by real durian. It was awesome. So awesome i got sick and had sore throat the other day. But eventually it cured. It wasn't anybody's fault. I just didn't drank enough water. And i had reading for mass the other day. Glad it doesn't affect much. I tried my best to maintain and steady and sweet voice. :)

Back to the cake. Oops, i mean birthday. Dad didn't know. He was at the back of the table minding his own business when we all did body language and hand signals and it seemed like all our faces are having stroke or any facial diseases. It was terrible. We off the fan and dad sensed something amiss. And so he turned around and ask "Why?" Then he noticed a cake on the table and asked "Whose?"

Aw, my dad is so cute!

Some really awesome fruit toppings for the Durian cake are blueberries! Blackberry! Strawberry! apricot! They're just amahzing! 

Here's daddy, smiling happy in front of the camera. I don't know man, i just took it and he was all smiling to the camera. Or maybe it's just candid. 

Dad and mom were reallllllllly sweet i can have diabetes from it :D

So that afternoon, granny was awkwardly walking around the house flipping newspapers and looking around. She wasn't usually like this. And then while flipping the pages, she suddenly said "Ah Ning, you got ang pao packet ma? Can you give me one?" So i was like, yeah okay. It seemed like a big deal. So i didn't want to disappoint her. I knew she was giving it to one of my parents, but i don't know, so i head up and got a packet for her. She thanked me over and over again and then went on continuing with her work.

That night..

.                                                                 this happened.

Granny's going back to Johor. It's sad and i don't really want her to go. :( So did mom and all of us. So we took a photo together with her. AHHHHH, the memories are coming back while i'm typing this.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013























然后我把菜放到他嘴巴前面说”Good Boy!" 










HERE 来看那个完整的文章。

































”是吗?“ 他很犹豫。














”没有macbook  咯~”

那时我们去Harvey Norman,她看到macbook air就说
















Graduation ceremony.

Graduation is a word to tell people that i finally completed my high school. Overall, if you ask me how's life at Batu Unjur. I would say, life has never been better. I'm not an active person at school, i tend to skip curriculum activities because i'd rather stay home and sleep than waking up early and go to school. I don't get it. Malaysian government should set the schooling time later, and let the afternoon sessions end school at night, so i can have extra naps in the morning. Who am i kidding? That'll never happen unless the world restart and everything restarts from scratch.

For now, i can just whine like a kid and nobody's gonna do anything about it. :)

This year's graduation was held at Premier Hotel. I arrived just in time and was able to meet up with my awesome friends who were, obviously, waiting for me at the entrance. I walked in like a bauss. Of course they were the same group of friends, Melissa, Chiew Fei, Miyan, Huey Nee etc etc. My group of friends consist of these people only, Gosh.

But after some serious thinking, i guess i have more friends than i thought! I'm not racist LOL. I have friends from other culture and religions too.
We were provided with food in the morning, i got my cookie and was really happy about it *wink*

Basically they're my brothers from another mother. Obviously they rocks! They do the most childish stuff and they're really smart. They're twins, but to me, they don't look even a bit alike. HAHAHA. Anyways, colors were added to my life with their presence in my secondary school life. 

I put my cookie in the wine glass, because i thought it might be cool Little did i know, i got drunk fairly quickly by that cookie. And i don't know how to caption Chiew Fei's expression and i think Melissa's being horny. Oh, that's Naufal behind, and i think the photos were cooler with his photobombing-success expression. 

I think we were really awed by this wine-glass-deform-your-face concept. And i told my friend Zhi Zhang to hold it and i just snap this photo. I think he's impressed with it. Yeah, sort of. 

This ballroom is SO grand and i love the chandeliers on the ceiling because they're awesome, and no, they don't change color. So yeah, it sucks, just a little bit. 

From form 1 until now, we've been great friends and i always like to make her laugh. Because then, her eyes would be smaller than mine. Yeah, the asian eye issue never got away from me. 

My awesome bunch of friends and mates. Lacking Miyan over here. As youuuuuu can seeeeeeee, i'm the tallest here. *clear throats* Thank you, thank you. 

Chiew Fei got National Service and she's not going. So the only way is to get January intake. So she's gonna be so busy and have a hectic life while the other of us are gonna just celebrate our lives and enjoy it before college eats us up. What am i saying? SPM is not even HERE YET. 

Here's Huey Nee. Finally a normal photo of her with me. Overall, i just gotta say, she's got a sweet smile and she says crappy stuff a lot. Also, her jokes are not funny. No kidding, she's the lamest friend of all friends, but i still love her :) 

This is the flower. Her name is Ern Zhen, she is very korean and she wear beautiful clothes. Though i'm kinda scared of her, somehow i think she's afraid of me too, just that she didn't want to admit it. Awww ern zhen, i love you very much, don't come stabbing me when you see this. 

We were just getting hyped up with all the laughing and Melissa just stays there wanting to doze off , WHAT?!

Then at some point, there's too many photos to take, and too little time. So i created a shock photography technique to get all the photos of my friends. Basically the whole photo took less than 0.5seconds. I just walk beside the person, not letting the person know or acknowledge what i'm gonna do and just snap the photo without waiting for them to response. It was a great technique, and many people were definitely shocked by it. Some grabbed me and want to take a second one.


overall, friends are really great. But i'm happy to be leaving secondary school life too. HAHA.
They say high school rocks, and that you'll definitely miss it. Guess it might be true! I love my friends, but life has to go on. So yeah. Friends, thanks for being there for me. LOVE YOU GUYS. MUACKS!