First of all, i have a confession to make. I've been blogging less,
very less. It's mainly because I've been using ipod touch more than my computer. The reason is simple, because
humans are lazy. Why humans are lazy? They prefer to browse without needing to WAIT for the computer to start, that's what to ipod touch can give me, i can search something instantly and get the answer instantly, and also lock screen it instantly. Conclusion made:
Humans are lazy. Just....pure lazy.
Now back to the topic, I've been editing pictures and had a photo shoot session with my family, for my #6teen album. It's basically stuff and people in 2012, when i was 16. I was kinda lazy at first, but then the expiry date is reaching near February, so yeah... I sent it. 1 or 2 weeks, the photobook arrived. I was very much excited to see it.
There'll be some photoshoot pictures below, but here's a preview of some pages of my #6teen album.
Um, the sign below was signed after i got my photobook.
And here's the photoshoot photos.
I photoshooted with Heartsey.

She's a pet adopted from near to the end of 2012. She were so tiny back then, now she's near to 5 months, growing up to become a fierce and naughty dog. Santa won't give you presents if you behave like a spoil brad. But she is obedient sometimes too, mostly during eating time. Yeah, which dog isn't?
And here's the family section, photoshooting place : SHAH ALAM.
I am always always ever so glad that i have 3 brothers to start off with. Life isn't easy when we were young, we used to fight, got angry, tear up, but at the end of the day, as they went for further studies away, ipoh, kajang...i started missing them, and appreciate them. Although they only came back maybe once a month, or once a week, i miss them so much!
Humans are ever so weird, when they stick around for long, they started looking at each other's mistakes, not being able to appreciate. But when one leaves, they would miss each other so much, and that appreciation comes.
Like what my friend said "Go with the flow..."
Daddy, looked so nice to bully from the outside, but actually he is a really tough guy you don't want to mess with.
He's like the greatest dad in the world.
He fulfilled all our needs, provide us with food and shelter.
He teaches us when we're young, that we shouldn't buy material things that we don't need in life. But when the time comes, he got soft. Like the D7000 i begged him for so long, he rejected over and over again.
When i saw the camera, and dad looked at me, "okay la, okay la, buy la buy la."
He can be really funny sometimes, and also cute.
He fixed the computer, and learn stuff from the Internet.
Like a kid, he would called out to me and say "NING! come and see."
I would go, and he would show me the things he did that succeed. He would smile and i always liked that smile.
He won't give up easily, when a computer is spoiled, he would open up, like doing a surgery, find the cause and fix it.
Sometimes he can't find the cause, he doesn't give up, and sometimes stay up late just to find out the cause, and when he fix it, yet again, like a kid, tells us what's the cause, and that he fixed it, although most of the time i didn't really understand what is he talking about.
Sometimes i thought to myself "Next time when i have my own family, without dad, what am i going to do with the pipes, computer, shelf, drilling work, toilet showers, bed, chairs, walls, and etc etc?"

Mum's the pole of our house. Without her, it would collapse. She dedicated her life to this family and we all love her with all our heart. She is there when things go wrong, solve every problem. She is the one we find, when things go lost.
"MUM! have you seen my sock?"
"Mum, where's the paper i left on the table this morning?"
"mum... did you see.."
"mum.... "
Our lives revolves around mommy.
#ThingsIHateToSee is my mum tear up .
Mum's a strong woman, but sometimes she is also soft on the inside.
My 3rd brother, so close to me, we share jokes, and act like crazy monkeys every time, every where, and wherever we are. We can laugh so hard, our stomach hurts, we can joke so loud, that our other bro wanted to just shut us down,
(sometimes my 2nd brother joins in the fun). We get so annoying, but they never knew, we were having the time of our lives.
This is how me and him communicate. When he were always at home, i would blame him for not doing the chores with me, blame him for this and for that. But after he'd gone to Kampar, i started missing him. Looking forward towards everyday to meeting him.
Mum asked if i wanted to go to Ipoh with him, they wanted to go and clean up his place. Next day is school day, i didn't mind travelling in the car the whole day to and fro, he is my brother, and my only 3rd brother. So special that i don't call him "3rd bro." I call him "PIN."
Me and my big brother, our relationship weren't as close as how i am with my 2 other brothers. He is a more matured brother, and has his own thoughts. But when problem comes, he would tell us what to do, what's right.
He have his own thoughts, and would never easily change it.
My 2nd brother support me in anyway he can. Physically and mentally. Sometimes i act like a kid, and he goes on tolerating with me. I wanted him to buy me something, and he always does, no matter how late it is, and where is he at.
We too act like kids, and sometimes even goes on teasing each other. In any ways we can, i teased his muscles and that always makes him laugh. I would say "Why is your hand swollen?"
He is a brother that cares for his appearance very much, but also very lazy to decorate himself. In this family, he have the
"nice look", "perfect teeth", "only O blood type". He's a really special brother.
People say
"You don't want a sister?" I would 100% say
"YES!!" if i were still young, but now as times passed by, i would say
"Nope, i am glad i have my 3 brothers", even when i don't have any sister, it's okay with me, my brothers they act like my younger brother, sometimes younger sister
(when their sissy hormone activated), older brother
(When they are serious) and older sister
(gives me opinions when i go shopping at the ladies.).
The picture below, wonder why we smile so naturally?
the secret was ...
Someone farted.
My sister.
She teaches me lots of values about life. She teaches me how to bake.
FIRST TIME BAKING was with her,
egg tarts. We have lots of fun times together, and got into troubles together.
Sometimes when i have knots tied, unable to loosen it, i would ask her and seek her opinions.
She gives the best opinions, and i think that she can be the greatest teacher in the world.
She provide me with the help i need.
Me and mummy and family, we were all grateful that we have her in our life.
We share
And this is my mother's side of the family.
People got so amazed, they're like
I'm like "yeah. Point out which ever u want, i can name it to you."
I got so proud with this family, and i hope it stays forever!"
Yin May.
This is my best friend since young. We were neighbours, friends, best friends, partners and more.
I remember when we were young, we used to slam the door at each other's face when we got into an argument so serious, we said
"I never want to see you and be your friend FOREVER anymore."
And we would use the famous term
By the end of the day, we would write letters, put at the wall which divide our houses, and the other one would open to door to read it.
I'm glad that we were neighbors, with her around, my childhood got really interesting.
She, too, like me, have 3 brothers. I guess that we're not affected by GUY HORMONE too much is because we both have each other to keep the GIRL in us.
We would talk about where we want our weddings to be, play cooking, barbie dolls, and toys that most girls play when they're young.
When we enter secondary school, we both go different ways, different school, we're not even neighbors anymore. It was sad for her, and also for me.
But life has to move on, and i know lots of new friends, and i introduced them to Yin May too.
Here are some photos i used to divide the sections.
Guess that's the end.
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I would like to know what u guys think about this book, and also the people above. :)