
Wednesday, October 30, 2013























然后我把菜放到他嘴巴前面说”Good Boy!" 










HERE 来看那个完整的文章。

































”是吗?“ 他很犹豫。














”没有macbook  咯~”

那时我们去Harvey Norman,她看到macbook air就说
















Graduation ceremony.

Graduation is a word to tell people that i finally completed my high school. Overall, if you ask me how's life at Batu Unjur. I would say, life has never been better. I'm not an active person at school, i tend to skip curriculum activities because i'd rather stay home and sleep than waking up early and go to school. I don't get it. Malaysian government should set the schooling time later, and let the afternoon sessions end school at night, so i can have extra naps in the morning. Who am i kidding? That'll never happen unless the world restart and everything restarts from scratch.

For now, i can just whine like a kid and nobody's gonna do anything about it. :)

This year's graduation was held at Premier Hotel. I arrived just in time and was able to meet up with my awesome friends who were, obviously, waiting for me at the entrance. I walked in like a bauss. Of course they were the same group of friends, Melissa, Chiew Fei, Miyan, Huey Nee etc etc. My group of friends consist of these people only, Gosh.

But after some serious thinking, i guess i have more friends than i thought! I'm not racist LOL. I have friends from other culture and religions too.
We were provided with food in the morning, i got my cookie and was really happy about it *wink*

Basically they're my brothers from another mother. Obviously they rocks! They do the most childish stuff and they're really smart. They're twins, but to me, they don't look even a bit alike. HAHAHA. Anyways, colors were added to my life with their presence in my secondary school life. 

I put my cookie in the wine glass, because i thought it might be cool Little did i know, i got drunk fairly quickly by that cookie. And i don't know how to caption Chiew Fei's expression and i think Melissa's being horny. Oh, that's Naufal behind, and i think the photos were cooler with his photobombing-success expression. 

I think we were really awed by this wine-glass-deform-your-face concept. And i told my friend Zhi Zhang to hold it and i just snap this photo. I think he's impressed with it. Yeah, sort of. 

This ballroom is SO grand and i love the chandeliers on the ceiling because they're awesome, and no, they don't change color. So yeah, it sucks, just a little bit. 

From form 1 until now, we've been great friends and i always like to make her laugh. Because then, her eyes would be smaller than mine. Yeah, the asian eye issue never got away from me. 

My awesome bunch of friends and mates. Lacking Miyan over here. As youuuuuu can seeeeeeee, i'm the tallest here. *clear throats* Thank you, thank you. 

Chiew Fei got National Service and she's not going. So the only way is to get January intake. So she's gonna be so busy and have a hectic life while the other of us are gonna just celebrate our lives and enjoy it before college eats us up. What am i saying? SPM is not even HERE YET. 

Here's Huey Nee. Finally a normal photo of her with me. Overall, i just gotta say, she's got a sweet smile and she says crappy stuff a lot. Also, her jokes are not funny. No kidding, she's the lamest friend of all friends, but i still love her :) 

This is the flower. Her name is Ern Zhen, she is very korean and she wear beautiful clothes. Though i'm kinda scared of her, somehow i think she's afraid of me too, just that she didn't want to admit it. Awww ern zhen, i love you very much, don't come stabbing me when you see this. 

We were just getting hyped up with all the laughing and Melissa just stays there wanting to doze off , WHAT?!

Then at some point, there's too many photos to take, and too little time. So i created a shock photography technique to get all the photos of my friends. Basically the whole photo took less than 0.5seconds. I just walk beside the person, not letting the person know or acknowledge what i'm gonna do and just snap the photo without waiting for them to response. It was a great technique, and many people were definitely shocked by it. Some grabbed me and want to take a second one.


overall, friends are really great. But i'm happy to be leaving secondary school life too. HAHA.
They say high school rocks, and that you'll definitely miss it. Guess it might be true! I love my friends, but life has to go on. So yeah. Friends, thanks for being there for me. LOVE YOU GUYS. MUACKS!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


This is my 5th time attending hi-tea for prefects' board during my secondary life at SMK Batu Unjur. This marks that I've been a school prefect for a long 5 years. It was long indeed, and meaningful, full of memories and stories.

There were times, i decided i wanted to give up. Like, hand in the resignation letter and just get over with it. I missed wearing pinafores, i know this is crazy, but when humans have been in their comfort zone for long, they tend to want to change what they have now.

I still remember the very first day when i became a prefect. I've been LONGING to wear prefect's uniform because i think, they were cool. It's like, among thousands of students, only a few of us gets to wear this super awesome uniform which has a meaning behind it too. The first day i wore it, i'll NEVER forget how proud i was, i walk different, heck i even SMILED DIFFERENTLY. I was a different person. But then, the uniform just seem so bored to me when time passes. I started to miss my pinafore. And i gotta admit i was tempted by baju kurung concept. I mean, i don't get to wear it. SAD.

So of course i decided not to quit. Of course there were sad times and angry times. Who doesn't have ups and downs in their lives right? I did the right thing. I decided to stay and of course finish my last year as a prefect in this school.

"In a blink of an eye", i don't really understand what this term REALLY means, but for those of you who're not form 5, you'll get what i mean by " in a blink of an eye " once you reach the same stage as i am right now.
It truly is quick, and you will be amazed how time has passed. You were only form 1 the first day u came into school, and now you're leaving. Retired as a prefect, and graduated from a high school after being there for 5 whole years. It has basically became my second home.

I used to think that form 5s are really matured and scary, big and tall. But now that i'm at this stage, i'd be thinking, "Nah, no kidding, we're not even scary, in fact i think that i'm still too young to be called OLD."

My shoe and Melissa's shoe during hi-tea day.  

The thing about being a prefect is, you get to meet new things, and most of all, new people. You don't know who you might meet. It could be someone that might ruin your life, it could be someone who would bring endless happiness into your life. Humans have to go through this stage, to find the ultimate friend. If you're afraid of being hurt, might as well just hide in your shell and never come out to see the light and know new people.

Meet Raahini.
Being a prefect, when i was in afternoon session which was form 1 and form 2, they said going to camp was compulsory, unless you have a funeral to attend or something else which is really in an emergency. Basically they want your ass out of the chair, hands off the table and go to the camp. Yeah, i totally hate it. It makes me want to avoid it more. But of course i can't. And i'm TOTALLY GLAD i went to the camps.

Because if i don't, i wouldn't have such great and amazing experience. I still remember the rivers, the trees, the jungles, the night walks, the scare, the screaming shouting punishments and the food we ate. The environment and the games, scaring each other about presence of leaches, which we did not encounter for the whole camp. People really like scaring people. And last but not least, the 4 hour sleep! What's up with camp trying to mess up our biological clock?

Meet Weini, my senior. Who was an ex prefect. 
Besides going to camps, we get to organize events as well. This is the part where all the prefect dislikes too. Most of them would choose to run away and worse: PONTENG. Example? Teachers' day. That would be the day most prefects are not coming, well, i used to be like that too, until i came the ketua perhimpunan for morning session this year. I basically attend everything, because i have a duty to attend to. I can't just ditch my job to my junior, that would be really irresponsible.

Meet Melissa. The one who couldn't live without me :)

And my 5-year-straight-same-class best friend, Chiew Fei.

Sometimes i think that Chiew Fei would never ever grow up. We do all sorts of stupid things together. And of course our relationship as best friends started when we both became prefects. It was because we went for prefects interview that i get to know her, approach her and talk to her. She was a shy young little girl back then. Smiling and being kind to everyone, until she changed.

Now? She's a devilish little girl. Who NEVER GROWS UP. I'M SERIOUS, SHE NEVER GROWS UP. She might look a little bit (JUST A TINY BIT) mature on the appearance, but inside, she'll never grow. HAHA. You wouldn't want to know how we communicate. We would mumble the whole day and still understand what message each other are trying to give. People look at us one kind, and we enjoyed making them confused. 

 Being her friend for 5 years always by her side, i was totally influenced by her actions and attitude. I became a more openly girl and did things more comfortably with others. 

She always admit herself prettier than others, even though when given a choice. 

Me: Who do you think is prettier? Snow white or Cinderella? 
CF: Me.

Me: Who do you think is smarter? Einstein or Newton?
CF: Me.



Penolong ketua perhimpunan, also the Ketua pengawas for 2014, i proudly presents you my junior, Wei Zhen. 
This little girl here is Wei Zhen, she knows very well how to cheer me up during duty every time when my energy is running low or i'm having a mood swing. She would run with me looking for teachers and we even arranged the chairs for events and also assembly together. We basically do all the events together and never once she ever ditched me leaving all the works to me and me alone. If she does, she'll inform me. Other than that, she is the perfect prefect to be the next Head prefect.

Juniors and Seniors and friends. 
 They were a bunch of really interesting kids. When we do play, we get crazy, the juniors call the seniors boss. And all of the juniors are a bunch of outgoing kids who are active and participate fully in every events. Life cannot be more interesting and wonderful without them. Form 5 prefects are really low in number and in fact a lot are needed. Form 4 have a lot of prefects and they are basically the pillar for next year's prefects' board. Prefects' board depends on you guys now!

A present from my brother of another mother. 

My table and Cik Yati. 
Experiences like this are hard to get. If you're given one, grab it, and don't let go. Sometimes, humans gotta get out from their comfort zone and do something really unexpected, you would see a different perspective of it and from hatred, it could turn into love.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

[Book and review] Down syndrome & Autism.

Before i start a topic, let me just tell you something dumb that i just did.
So this morning, as usual i was gonna cook my breakfast. *i'm just so healthy* And i brought out eggs. 3 eggs this morning, because the vegetables are going nasty and i had to cook them all. I was so blur, so i beat the first egg, guess where'd go? Yeah, the dustbin. And my brain actually told me to throw the shell into the bowl! LOL, then i'm like, "Hmmmm, something not quite right here. " Then i noticed what i did wrong. And i'm like "WHAT AM I DOING?!"

I'm not a science person. In fact i hate sciences, except for biology. I didn't know about it until i entered form 4 and experienced it myself. But, i love stuff like autism and down syndrome. Well, i don't LOVE the sickness, but i love to know more about it, what is it, and how it affects human.

*spoiler only apply if you're an autism book fan of course*

So there's 2 books i actually bought that talked about autism.
One i bought it from an England website, which is bookdepository 

What book depository do is that they sell rather reasonable prices' books. And i bought my first, well, not really the first until i found out few years back my sister bought me Jodi Picoult's HOUSE RULES, which was also something to do with autism. The book depository book which i bought was called Carly's Voice. I saw her clip on youtube and i was immediately attracted to her story. Yes, based on true story and true experiences, which really just attracts my attention more. Later, i followed her on facebook, *what a stalker!* and realized she and her dad published a book, which was Carly's Voice.

I'll do an intro on Carly's voice first.

I'm so sorry the picture looks so pixelated, I'm actually quite sensitive to pixelated pictures. They bother me the most. Alright, back to topic. This is the book which i bought from book depository, and they have another cover version. but i think this one's good enough.
Her name is Carly Fleischmann. And she was diagnosed with autism, not being able to speak and express herself. Here's a clip that i saw on facebook.

Carly always hit herself, which she described it as "a thousand ants crawling up your arms", rock non-stop when sitting down and always screaming and banging her head on walls and floors. She wasn't able to say or let other people know what she wanted, she had verbal issues which was caused by the autism. Until one day, she typed on the computer HELP TEETH HURT. That's when her parents found out the way she can communicate with them. But typing for her isn't as quick, she type really slow and only if she feels like it. So basically her therapist had to give her her favorite LAY chips one at a time when she type. That keeps her going.

I just gotta say she's a rather interesting young lady, and bright too. She make jokes and have crush just like normal girls do. Most importantly, she is trying as hard.

Not only did she and her dad wrote a book about autism, she also showed us life being an autism kid.
There's a video clip, named Carly's cafe. Where they filmed it in a first person point of view, which you basically can see her hands, her eyes blinking, what she hears and see and smell. You will understand what an autism is experiencing whenever they go to loud and noisy places, what seemed "normal" to us, just doesn't seem so "normal" to them. To them, bright lights can cause a meltdown and things will go uncontrollable.

I don't know what causes their senses to be so sensitive, but they have really strong senses! Their ears, eyes, nose, hands, etc etc, even the material of the shirt can cause them to feel terribly uncomfortable at the skin and wanted to force it off of them. That happened to Carly. In the book, it was stated that when she went missing, and her dad found her at the park stripping her clothes off when she was a kid with a helpless stranger beside not knowing what to do with the situation.

Here's the clip.

I did mentioned above about another book. Which is Jodi Picoult's House rules. This is another book, which most of my friends didn't like. I didn't mean the content, but the book. It's a rather small book, which is THICK and have small wordings, that's why most of my friends don't read it. But honestly, i finished this book in less than a week. I read it even though i was preparing for SPM. It's seriously good, i guess it's because i love to read about autism.

So in this book, it was about a teenage boy, somewhere around my age, who have autism. Who always have meltdowns too. But the difference between him and Carly is that, he can speak and can communicate and do things on his own. I don't know if this story is true, i didn't really investigate about it. But it's worth reading.

Continue with the book. So he actually kinda into autopsy, which you always see in CSI where they open up dead people and check what's wrong with them. Which proves that he's a bright guy with autism as well. And also he LOVES detective jobs. He would creep out at a crime scene and solve the case for the police.

He had a tutor, which teach him how to socialize, and other stuff that has to do with autism. One day the tutor died, and they suspect it was Jacob Hunt who killed the tutor. Jacob Hunt's the autism kid (sorry, did not mention it above). And he don't have a correct way to defend himself. So people kept on misunderstood his message and he only led himself into more and more trouble.


But actually how the tutor died? Well, you see, Jacob's brother love to break into people's houses and live in it. Yeah, weird i know. Because of Jacob, the family is having a hard time, the mom went through divorce stage and the family's basically broken with only the mother helping to support the family with a little income.

So this brother of Jacob, he don't really like his brother, and he actually hated him. But the mother set up house rules which basically what the title is really about, "Love your brother and help him" stuff like that, i forgot, so he had a lot of restrictions and he can't do a LOTS of stuff. So, he found this house which he notice was always empty, sneak in and live in it, watch the TV and eat the owner's food. He can do whatever he want, whatever he like without being controlled by his mother and no distraction from his brother.

Until one day, he found out that the tutor live in it. And the tutor was bathing, she saw him there, she wanted to chase after him but he ran away, she fell down ... and then the next day she died.

But the day she died, Jacob had an appointment with her at night. Which was after the brother left. And so the last person who actually saw the tutor was JACOB himself. So even the brother thought it was JACOB who killed the tutor, not him. Because why?

Jacob actually brought the tutor (corpse) to an outdoor place, and wrap her in his quilt. So this proves more that Jacob's a killer. Which of course he's not. Another evidence is that, Jacob had a huge fight with his tutor the day before she died. Justice just isn't on his side.

Let's just skip to the ending. The tutor actually fell down when trying to chase Jacob's brother after spying on her bathing, hit her head on the bathroom sink because she slipped, and died. Just as simple as that. And they had the court stuff going on, because the tutor's family wanted to sue Jacob, because of all the evidence that proves that Jacob's the murderer.

One day the brother confessed that he broke into the tutor's house and made her fell down... that's where the story ends. PHEW, finally finished typing all these mess. I don't think you guys even get it. HAHAHA.

The above is a clip, which was shared on facebook too. It was about Down Syndrome people who deserves second chance too. It was created with 2 autism girls and some actors shouting at them calling them slow and stupid and stuff and see how would people react. How strangers would react. Well, some people stood up for them. And some just ignored. It was a clip worth watching.

Last but not least, let's end with GIANT GEORGE.
You might not know this, but Giant George went into guiness world record as the tallest DOG! WOW. And of course the owner wrote a book about "LIFE with the world's biggest dog." And he's so tall that he could drink straight from the sink. How awesome is that? My dog can't even reach the sink, not even the chair. HAHAHA

What i really wanted to say was, Giant George passed away. Yeah, very sad, but you can see it in google too because George is a really famous and loving dog.

Of course, last but not least. I hope you guys have a great day! Ending with my lion queen~

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

September & October updates.

Here's my september and october update.
Gasp! i noticed that i stopped blogging for quite some time now. But i never stopped photography :) So here we are again viewing some boring photos of mine.

The photo below is my brother showing his weird face when i'm posing like this while taking a photo. I didn't notice it at first too. HAHA such a weird pose.

Here's my routine. Taking photos of my gran secretly without her noticing. Well, she did notice, which i totally did not expect to happen. You wouldn't want to know what she did once i press the shutter of my camera after this photo. She totally hide away!

Next up, i'm committed to a healthy lifestyle living recently eating lots of fruits and veges, and learned doing some smoothies and fruit juices as well :) I might post some about it soon. Who knows when that might be :P

I love the shade of browness in my dog's eye. She's had such beautiful eyes. Without the eye boogie of course.

My Lion queen~

And this is a photo i took in Honda hybrid car which my brother won test drive for 3 days 2 nights. He had to do a video review about what he think of this hybrid car and i was there to help him. It was fun riding in this hybrid car and Honda is really kind to lend him this car. He's soooo sad on the day he had to return it. But it's really fuel saving and econ friendly. But only 2 seats. EW. i had to like, cramp behind all the way to kota kemuning with my bros. HAHAHA.