
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cousin's Wedding

So the other day i went to Johor to attend my cousin's wedding. First cousin wedding on my mom's side family history. WHEE. Haha. The other cousins said that she will give them a guide to know what they should do on THEIR wedding. I'm expecting more to come then . :)

An overview of this wedding:
It was very beautifully decorated, with a lot of amazing decorative flowers, people in gorgeous outfits, colours that matched the wedding theme, and couple that loves each other.

Guests were welcomed by the bride's father while the bride and bridegroom were waiting nervously in the car in front of the church entrance. 

Brides mate were helping out in the prepping of the wedding. 

Slowly, guests arrived one by one.

Relatives. Not the grumpy guy behind them. HAHA

Cousin's entrance holding on to father's arm, while the bridegroom is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for her to arrive. 

Relatives excited, clapping hands and smiling awaiting the bride and bridegroom to walk past them so that they can have a glimpse of her, and her beautiful floor sweeping wedding gown.

Haha, 2nd aunt and cousin being naughty when it's time to handing the bride's hand to the groom. 

Tightly locked fingers.

Walking down the last part of the aisle together.


Greeting the guests. 

Greeting guests. 

Uncles, and dad. 


Back at eldest uncle's house for the tea ceremony. 

This is the dinner place for the wedding, where they have this containers stay part which the management offers for us to stay, but we didn't stay here though, although the place is perfectly and gorgeously designed. But the whole place smell faintly of paints. 

With le brother.

An example of the container rooms. 

Dukui & Anna's wedding. 

Beautiful right the place? 

Just love all the flowers along the red carpet and the food. *drool*

Outside of the place is paved with rocks and some big and tall green plants. The dinner place is something like a greenhouse and it's all so natural-ish. 

Vegetables station. 

Emcee of the day.
From left: cousin's girlfriend
Right: Cousin. 

A new gown, new smile, walking down the red carpet together, yet again. 

And it was a great experience, it's been idk how long since i last went to a wedding. And in just this year, there's 3 of my cousins getting married! and all of them are female cousins. HAHA, so i wish them the best of luck, to those that got married, prepping for marriage and desperately wanted to get married. :)

It's a long way from home, but to get to see long distant cousins again, talk and chat and have fun, it's all worth it.

Dad drove a lot.

And my brother is tired. HAHA

Sunday, June 22, 2014


This is going to be a really simple update about my life and my family. 
Studying at Kampar means you have to leave your family behind. So last month sem break i went back for a month and we had a lot of fun together. 

Here's my 2nd brother, this was when we were going to a thai restaurant to eat. Bill's on him ~ :P

My third brother, acting funky when i said i want to take selfie.

And here's Heartsey with her usual yawning self. 


With family out to eat some Penang food in Selangor, hmmm, Nope... 

We even went to Taman Rakyat, which has like hiking and jungle trekking stuff. Healthy healthy together. :D

A family of monkeys.

Leg Press. XD

After sem break, i still went home often. To attend cousin's wedding and for my dental checkup. While going back, the tyre of my dad's Avanza totally flattened!

It was a really bad experience waiting beside the highway because all the cars are speeding really fast and we had to get down from the car to the drain and wait down there because the cars and lorries were really terrifying. And dad called the PLUS hotline to ask for help, guess what? they came 40 minutes LATER. WHOLE 40 FREAKING MINUTES.

My mom almost called the Aduan line. She was worried that the metal or stuff will fall off from the coming trucks, a lot of construction site lorries speeding really fast.

And this, my friend's dorm downstairs suddenly had a box. And there's a litter of kittens in the box. They were all white and really CUTE.

The time when the tyre was flattened and while waiting for PLUS workers.

Here's a totally random one. I passed by this tutorial room and there were students inside having english listening test. it was funny, it reminds me of my last sem when i have listening test too.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A day of fun, and Sky Park @ OneCity.

I have seriously neglected my blog for more than a month now, this is no good news. Even people are starting to ask me "Are you still updating your blog?" And imma like "yeah yeah sure, soon..." but SOON never came. HAHA, so here i am. 

This was during my semester break from my first semester in university. I don't quite remember the date. It was last month, where sister and i went out together. :) 

We went to Sunway, trying out the cinema, LUXE --  with big wide space, and very comfy and spacious. Sister said next time she wanna try the Beanie ones, where u can lie down and watch movie. I WAS LIKE NO NO NO NO, TOO expensive. It goes up to around RM40++ when you add it. It's CRAZY. But it's okay for once in a lifetime experience. :3 (if you're rich)

Then, there's this "horse" at the ground floor of the shopping mall, and we decided to take photos with them. Yeah, there's more than 1 horse. In fact, there's 3 horses for display. My friends who saw my photo on facebook asked me "Hey, are those horse real?" 

No, of course.

Where're they gonna poop inside the shopping mall and who's gonna clean it up? 

Meet White Horse Prince.
A nickname i gave for this white horse. :D Cute right?

Here's brownie.
Brownie as HAHA
After that, we went to somewhere around Sunway College to search for food, and sister suggested that we eat at Garage 51.

Garage 51, no kidding people, it's a place of luxury and great decorations. Their theme are based on "container" and "garage" i guess? The design were fantabulous, i give the designer a thumbs up. But, the food ain't cheap. They're famous for desserts and coffee. Once i entered Garage 51, immediately i can smell coffee. And it's almost full-house when we were there.

At least the drink's free.
I was thinking, what about if we drink the water, chat for a while and goes out? What would the waiters do? LOL

Croissant and mushrooms. (I forgot the full name of this dish) 

Sister wanted to try their coffee. I can't seemed to figure out the design. Is it... a pot, and a genie is flying out from it?... I'm lost. They should do like a bunny or something. Something cute. :3

Here's some cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, and 2 slices of bread. Not bad not bad. The food looks pretty, and it taste okay.

After having our tea, yeah, it's almost near teatime. We actually circled around to look for the next place to go, sister asked all her colleagues and friends where is One City. And finally. I guess, after 1 hour of drive (mostly turning in circles), we arrived there.

One City Sky Park.

The place where sister's been dreaming to go.
The sky park is located at 10th floor. We took the elevator and reached the 10th floor.

And i've gotta say, the view is AMAZING!

Yeah, and of course the oh-so-famous GLASS FLOOR.
We arrived around noon, and the glass floor was all reflective, so you can't really see the bottom of it. But once it's night, it's all dark and the lights from the ground floor lit up, from there you can see everything :) Stunning view once again. 

Sister bought this lemongrass tea drink, it says no preservatives, no artificial coloring, bla bla bla. 

At the Sky Park. Humans everywhere.

Butt. Butt everywhere :D
Everyone's looking down, at the roads, the cities. Not much skyscrapers. but the view makes one feel like, the world is such a big place, and we're just one tiny dot of it. Sometimes, you just gotta go HIGH, go TOP, to see the world in a different perspective. 


Here's the difference between morning, and night. Awesome right?

Look at the glass, just how reflective it is. U have to basically stick your face on the glass to see the bottom clearly. There's also some guys who purposely wanted to scare the visitors and their female companion by stomping on the glasses and jumping on it. Annoying much.

The world is a big big place. :)

For dinner, we went to The Factory Burger. :) And had a BLACK burger. LOL, sounds so wrong. 

It's a big burger i must say, it's hard to get everything at once into your mouth. Annoying, and fun. The sauce will be everywhere on your face. And i used up more than 5 tissues for one burger. HYPERBOLE O_O

So i guess that's all for my little short post. (Or at least i think it's short) I'll be posting more soon, about my life in university, and also my cousin's wedding day. :) Stay tuned.
