Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Soar With the Holy Spirit. Part 2/3

Let's continue with the second day. The day started off with some morning exercise, which was dancing with korean songs as the background music... We were first just standing around as you can see in the picture...

But it kinda heat up a little when they tuned up the chicken dance song. And we dance along with the music...
*clap clap clap clap clap*
You get it..

They were practically showing how to "fly" and "Have fun" During the breaks in the chicken dance song.

Later, we sing and peace out our mind after breakfast.

And we listened to AWESOME motivational talks. It really can change a person. And it wasn't boring at all. He made it awesome and interesting, exactly teens' taste these days!

Then we had some warm-up games. Passing tennis ball around in circles, from first to last without dropping. It was easy at first, we lost the technique in playing at the second round, everyone must cooperate very good, because if you're late, the ball practically just stuck to the same person and then, MISSION FAILED.

Then we have some Q&A session with everyone. Kinda like freedom of speech.

Stage game, we choose 4 people out, one be the blind, one be the dumb, 2 have their hands tied together. 
It's practically testing how well we take care of the blind, and let the dumb taste the feeling of not able to speak, and let those who have their hands tied together to understand how hard it is to do things like this. 

Others who are free of those is tested .. Like, the blind are mostly dump aside because they can't see anything, so they can't do anything, and that's literally a wrong thing to do. That's what most team does. But the team that does not gain extra points.

We have to go around in stages, complete the task and get STUFFS to build our own kingdom.

Left hand draw square, right hand draw circle. Try it, it's kinda hard.

Stuffs, treasures that we got from each stage consist of newspaper, marker pen, snacks, tape, etc. 
There are thieves, those were the ones who goes around stealing people's treasures.
And we have fake-good people, they hold a fan, and goes around telling people (when they ask) correct and wrong answers. They're like devils, sometimes they give good answers, sometimes they give fake answers.

Below is my group, building our kingdom after finishing all the tasks. We were the first group to start building. And time is running out. At one point we kinda argue how to do this, but at last we do it together, with the spirit of working hard together.

The task was which team gets to build the highest kingdom wins.

Our team get the same points as the winning team. We lost during the scissors paper stone game. But we're still happy anyway. We told our leader who play the scissor paper stone game "Don't be stressed, lose also nevermind. No worries!" 
We did not blame her even though we lost. We're happy we gained knowledge. 

At night, they turned off the lights and lighted candles everywhere.
it was so romantic. 
The session is about our parents, how hard they are growing us up,
It's also about appreciating what our parents did for us.

And the last thing we did that day was..
Write a letter to our parents.
Everyone teared up.
The situation was hard to handle.

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