This will just be a simple update of my life, seeing that i've been ignoring my blog once again. Do i not have any other way of starting a blog post, except for the "sorry i've not updated in a long time" opening remark?
But yeah, sorry, i've not updated in a long time. *smirk*
You see, wanting to write a blog post and really writing a blog post truly is a totally different story. I wanted to write something when i have the oomph to do it, not simply as a duty or for the fun of it. Enough of craps, let's just enter straight into it.
Like any other college students approaching their semester break, we planned ours too, 3 days of vacation at Klang/KL. Because they're just so near. Amongst us, there are 3 from Klang, 1 Malacca, 1 Teluk Intan, and 2 Sabahans.
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Girls from left, Christovery, Me, Marion, Irene, Stella, and May. The guy behind is May's brother, Jun. |
Marion had been going on about meeting Heartsey, because you know, typical dog owner think their dog is the cutest. I would spam Heartsey's photos and videos when opportunities are slammed in my face, I was actually quite happy to hear someone wanting to meet Heartsey, know her, play with her and snap a photo with her.
You see, Heartsey is an anxious dog, she tend to feel uncomfortable beside strangers. But it all changed when Marion turned up at my place that night. Heartsey did not bark at her like how she barked at ALL the friends and relatives who came to our house for visits, she was welcoming us. Great achievement in her 2 years of dog life. I was very impressed with her behaviour i kept spitting "HEARTSEY OMG YOU GOOD GIRL" in her poor cute face, caressing her over and over and over and over again, she must've thought "my master had gone cray cray".
The thing is, I kept warning Marion before she even came, i told her "She would definitely bark at you, you would go deaf, she would run away, keep her distance from you, damn anxious dog this one." And Marion was all like "I'm anxious and excited at the same time."
I had so many scenarios running in my head, but never did this one fit in any of the scenarios that i planned. Looks like my worries are of no use. Look at them! Being so bonded like nobody's business.
Once everything's settled, we went on to May's house, the place where we'd be having our naps for 3 days. Her house is only few minutes away from mine. Everyone was in their sleeping attire ready for a good night rest. But do you really think it's that simple? What is sleepover without a little bit of sleepfies?
I have more, but this blog post can't go on too long. Sorry.
The next day, May's father treated us a jolly good breakfast, Dim Sum. A table full of goodness and the taste of heaven. But oh dear, such a heavy breakfast. My brother was there with me, and he turned to me and said "I just woke up and had to finish all of this." I laughed at him.
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The breakfast was a really good one. Everyone left with a satisfied stomach. |
We went on with our schedule, it is said that Time Square is great for shopping and therefore, we took the public transport there. It is our first time taking public transport to Time Square.
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Just us, being Asians. |
It took us an hour and more to reach time square as we kept getting down during interchange stations. Finally, when we arrived there, everyone was sweating bullets, and our legs, MY LEG, bearing the weight of my body, it's so sore.
THAT, my friends, is just the beginning. We had to proceed to walk a whole day at Time Square, my poor legs.
Before that, we stopped by to buy some beverages, none of us carry any liquids with us, liquid weights are just too much for long journeys. We're like vampires thirsting for liquids to soothe our burning dry throat. HELP! I am losing water. I'm dying. But yeah, we drank 许留山's drinks, although they don't really satisfy your thirst effectively like how mineral waters do.
I stumbled upon 2 boutiques which have my name on it. Anna and Anna's. HAHA. Well of course i took shots with them.
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Proud Anna-rians. |
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We settled at Kim Gary for dinner. Everyone bought stuff that day. Clothings, souvenirs, bags, and more. |
The next day, everyone was so tired, because we hadn't had any good nights' rest. We arrived at my place around 10am where my mom had already cooked Bah Kut Teh for the friends. Everyone ate to their hearts' content, and the next stop that we take : Setia City Mall.
I entered 'Urbanfresh marketplace' upon May's request, i thought neh.. just another marketplace with different name. BUT I WAS WRONG IN ALL LEVELS OF WRONGNESS. This marketplace IS AWESOME. I found the hottest spiciest noodle from Korea, and dry shampoo from England. All these are only available for online purchasing, and i've been looking everywhere and they were no where to be found but HERE. Okay, i am being a little bit too overreacting. But hey, they really have everything. Organic stuff, korea stuff, Japan stuff, imported goods, and more.

I, am a person who doesn't take risks. But my friends have different opinions. Suddenly, we all became risks takers.
What risks you ask? Snapping photos in shops when the sign clearly stated : NO PHOTOGRAPHS.
Did we learn from our lesson? No. Did we got caught again? No. The following shops, we were watching the promoters with hawk-like eyes. When they approached us, we pretended to be looking at things, when they look away, i took out my phone and held it real low, we made our faces and snap snap snap snap snap snap snap off it goes in burst mode.
I guess you can only do these things when you're with your friends, they serve as great memories when you look back next time. You tell your grandkids, "Hey! You know, granny used to take photos in shops when the signs clearly stated no photographs allowed".
I guess my grandkids will just laugh at me saying granny is being silly and all.
I guess my grandkids will just laugh at me saying granny is being silly and all.
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In mandarin, we all call this “鬼鬼祟祟” |
Towards the end of the day, everyone was dead tired.
Our last stop for the day was at Setia Alam Pasar Malam. We had our dinner there basically, we just walked to and fro whilst buying our dinner. Quickly, yet surely, our tummies are filled with street food of different kinds. And the day ended with the movie "The Kingsman" at home with everyone snugged tightly together on the bed staring into my Macbook Air.
It's the last day of the trip and a Sunday, i went to church early morning with Christovery. When we came back, the table is filled with scrumptious food for lunch all cooked by May's mother before everyone part their ways. It was delicious i tell ya, but we couldn't finish the food.
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Like what Marion said, the faces you see in the picture explains our feelings that time. Everyone was sad, and was not ready to end this journey. |
But did you know?
Taking this last photo was the last challenge of this journey, cars HONKING behind us because we were blocking the traffic (That explains my unprepared facial expression).
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