
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cousins' birthday celebration at Kota Tinggi

First things first, my mi4 is finally back! I guess most of you don't know that i actually dropped my Mi4 during my vacation in Korea, after touching their guardian (which they claim if you touch the tummy you will have riches, i dropped it soon after i touched the tummy). I brought my phone to fix, and happily waited for a great MONTH! ONE MONTH without my phone. 

Okay sad things aside, i got my phone back. 


After a day of using it i found out that the phone speaker is malfunctioned. Christovery called me that night and i was like "Hello? hello? this girl ahh.. always try to fool me..." little did i know, my speaker isn't working. Mood level : dropped x100000. But the camera still working tho. So i brought it with me to Kota tinggi @ Johor. 

We arrived there at Saturday afternoon, where the sun is still burning brightly that we all squinted our eyes like an asian should (stereotype and all LOL). 

We checked in at the reception counter only to learn that our rooms aren't really ready yet. So we walked around, placed our stuff at the rooms that were ready. We have 32 of us, therefore many rooms were needed. Oh! Dear me, i forgot to mention the purpose for us to visit kota tinggi. We were here to celebrate 3 cousin's 30 years old birthday celebration. We called it the 90 大寿, because 30+30+30=90.

This place is really eye catching as the theme is based on nature.

It's peaceful and calm with frequent chirpings of birds and the countless spiders making webs. It's exactly nature as you wanted it to be. Therefore, if you're looking for a place to hide so your family and friends couldn't track you down, this would be the recommended place.

No, i'm kidding, please do inform your family. We don't want our police officers to be caught up in your matter as they already have a lot to do. *Screams* out of topic!

There was no line at all as i entered the resort. "NO SERVICE".


I was immediately cut off from the social media world.

Who am i kidding? I requested wifi thereafter from the counter. Or to be exact, my brother did.

So here's the houses that we're staying in for a night. It looks so... oddly neat isn't it? It's clean, it's shiny, it's wood. No gates. 
No ugly, barred, metal, squeaky, loud, heavy GATES. None of those things!
It's just wood, sun, leaves, flowers, insect and mosquitoes.

And lots and lots of slopes. 

Me and my brother with my cousin sister at the back.

Here's the place where we have our breakfast and lunch. 

And beside the dining hall is a breathtaking scenery of hills, trees and lake. It's drizzling a little at that time, but nothing too wet. 

And not to forget, manmade swimming pool. YAY.
I did not enter btw. *laughs*

Someone talking about toilet designed in tree bark?
Fake tree errbadi, fake tree.

There's just so many things to be felt during the 2 days there, so many to experience, so many nerves to be stimulated, so many things to take in and remember. 

I regretted for not entering the tree bark toilet.
Proudly standing outside my room. I only have access to the ground floor, i was informed that there's guests staying upstairs too, but you have to go up another hill to reach to the top floor. You can't gain access to 2nd floor from ground floor.

Just me and my two elder brothers. Still missing one big brother. 

They said we can see firefly at night. So we went to the firefly place, had our dinner there.

And at the same time we visited some farm animals. 
Like a mini zoo, always interesting for city kids like me.

The crying of the goats reminds me of the song by Taylor swift
"And i'm lying on the cold hard ground... BEEKKKKKKKKKK"



Bros decided to be large rabbits.

My big chee family 

We took the boat at night, when it's really dark, cruise around sg. Johor and look at fireflies loitering around the trees lighting up the night like christmas tree. Can't snap any photos, too far away from the fireflies. Sobs.

That night, we had some activities with the 3 birthday boys who turned 30. 

Noel gor gor, Pin Hong gor gor and Jun Siang gor gor.

The next morning 

Just some really interesting morning breakfast. 

And we went to explore the place, where many adventurous and extreme activities can be found.

Like wall climbing and abseiling. 

I guess the place is designed for school camps. Like the ones we always had for prefects' camp. But this place is too beautiful to be made for school campings.

Oh, i forgot to mention, the mosquitoes here are beautiful too. Beautifully fat. 

With cousin Winnie.

I challenged wall climbing, couldn't conquer the sloping part of the wall. 

But in a nutshell,
i've had a great weekend spent here with favourite people.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Program Pemerhatian dan Penilaian Calon Penerima Biasiswa Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman 2015

I must say that i am glad that i was picked for this programme at Puteri Park Hotel, KL. The first day i wasn't really nervous, knowing i'll be there for 3 days and 2 nights. I was feeling neutral, and a little anticipation along the way. I was prepared, to give it my best shot, to get this scholarship, and to reduce my parents' income burden.

First day when i arrived, we had 3 papers to do. They gave us a test, which covered many aspects and areas, we have history, politics, geography, science, common sense question, ... and so on. Many were scratching heads, i did my best, and as more and more people left the hall for break, i left too. Just fingers crossed i did well.

I initiated a conversation with a girl name Carrie. And she introduced me to Evelyn. We soon became friends and had lunch together, and participate in programmes together. First night was everything about introduction, introducing yourself, and memorizing each other's name. In just one night, i was in touch with 60-70+ names.

Everyone there has leadership traits, everyone did well. It felt like i am learning more than giving my all. It's just like i'm covered in awe blanket, i was amazed every single time i was there.

Not forgetting to mention, my roommate Utih and Sharifah.

We assigned ourselves into groups that night, and i was in a group with bunch of sporting people. We had 3 races in our group, Chinese, Malay and Indian. We were to come up with a sketch that night, it's okay if you want to go to bed earlier, or just stay up late to think about the sketch. We stayed up late until 2am, brainstorming about what to present the next day during talent time. My group is awesome, as they came up with many different ideas and lastly we had our sketch draft done. We even practiced it out.

The programme push yourself to the limit. They had many different activities that require brain power and my brain cells definitely pushed itself to the brink that 3 days. We were working with minds, and also teamwork. Our bonds grew stronger as time passes, and we learnt how to become better.

This is an activity, where many people were in the boat, politician, doctor, homosexual, robber, ex-army,....etc etc. Who should you give up? 

We stick with teamwork. We wanted to save everybody. But little did we know, in the end, someone really has to die. 

There were times when the debate heated up real serious and many ideas and theories were slammed in my face.

We were also told to build boat using newspaper and tape and strings, we came up with this. It may look simple, but it's sturdy and requires lots of effort in stabilizing 10 people in it. 

We had debate as well. Everyone is just pure genius and good. They are competitive and knowledgeable. 

My sporting roomies. 

My sketch teammates. 

Talent night.

Everyone packed up real comfy in the lift. 

Morning exercise. We had dance battle HAHAHA. really funny and at the same time full of fun. 

Ladies group shot.


My teammates. 

My comments?

I truly did not regret participating in the programme. 

I had learnt so much in 3 days that everything in my 19 years of life can never replace. 

I've met so many friends in a day that i am impressed with my ability to communicate with other people. 

My eyes were opened to the many new traditions that i was exposed with that UTAR can never provide me with. 

I met so many great people and experience so many great things that i feel like a better person now. 

If you ever had a chance to participate in YTAR program pemerhatian dan penilaian, please grab hold of the opportunity because you will have

If you haven't watch my latest video, do check it out,
we did the fire noodle challenge,
a noodle so spicy that it burns in your tongue.
