Saturday, July 5, 2014

University. Life. 到现在,我的大学生涯。

Just a few random post around here because i think it's been a while since i update about my university life. So, how i've been doing? I'm thinking "Wow, i'm adapting better than i thought." Now that i have already entered 2nd semester, things are starting to fall into place. Puzzles are slowly solving up.

Here's a photo of me last sem, took by my friend Marion when we were studying in class.

There are a few photos from last semester. And how awed i am, 1st semester is over! And i used to study at the library until very late and very hard, trying to do the best that i can. Sometimes it gets very tired where i would just lie down and close my eyes for a bit, 10 minutes short nap can really get your engine going. It's more than enough, you don't need 30 minutes.

I had recently also adapt to a whole new lifestyle. That is the first challenging, but yet, gives my body a total break from junks and processed food, and food that might cause me my health.
I started eating WHOLE, unprocessed food. More fruits and vegetables and lean protein into my diet. Cut off everything (well, not EVERYTHING), but slowly, yes, that is processed and bad for me.

I don't call this a "diet". My friends say that "What? You're on a diet?" Um, No. I'm on a NEW LIFESTYLE. Where i eat food that my body thinks is good. (Gotta tell you, i could be a dietician just from all the googling and research i've been doing on the internet about nutritional food and even learnt how to read labels off food).

There's also blood donation event. Last semester there was once, and now May intake another one time. My bestie went to donate her blood, i couldn't bring myself to donate it, i mean, i know it's to help human, but... i just can't. I almost faint when i see the needle SOO BIG and was inserted into my friend's hand. OH, GOSH.

They also have test for Thalassemia which i forgot how much u have to pay to test for it, and 2 of my friends went. HOW CAN THEY BE SO BRAVE?

Thalassemia test.

May's blood donation first timer. 

During critical thinking on the other hand, we were told to draw a symbol that represent ourselves. And here's what i drew:
Lee is my surname, i love photography, i'm a girl with braces and Jesus & God is my world. That basically sums up everything.
So, this sem, due to clean eating, i've been visiting the wet market a lot in old town. It took quite sometime to cycle there, but, I'VE NEVER LOVED WET MARKET SO MUCH IN MY LIFE BEFORE. I mean, yes, there's a wet market, also selling veges and fruits and stuff. But that wednesday pasar malam is like all the leftovers. Mostly rotten, or not fresh, or old and hard-to-bite vegetables. It's a pain in the butt. After i came here, i've never went back to wednesday pasar malam at westlake anymore.

As always, Kampar's scenery is just pure awesomeness.

Taken in UTAR, Kampar. 

And here's the red carpet from the newlyweds in the church. 

My church in Kampar, Sacred Heart. 

Some cute food to show you guys :) 


Did do some cooking with friends as well. We gather, talk and gossip. :P
This is the thing about girls, when they gather, there would be an issue to talk about. :D

Some sweet potato + sagu = pure awesomeness. 

When i was reading my mandarin novels in class. 

The paper back there was our group's. We were told to write down characteristic of a husband and a wife. 

And here's the ticket for Maleficent, went to watch with fellow coursemates. 

And this day was when we all wore white coincidentally. 

Friend's bottle, and my nose. 

Reading my mandarin novels again, this time in cafeteria C. :D 

After a whole few months of not meeting, our PMP finally gathered again, but Ken-G was not there, so we took his photo and add him in the shot too. Aww, guys i miss u ! 

And there's this really fun board on the way to cafeteria C. I think it's the psychology society's board, it was scribbled all over with words you would like to say.

I want to be awesome. :D

Tired Marion. 

When my friend does some really lame stuff, this is the face i'll give them :D

Campus mass. 

CSS friends.
Esther and Christovery. 


And here's a cute photo of Marion ( and her awesome flabby pants) and May. 

Bestie for 18 years, and still counting. 

Workout, sweat it out, stress will go away!
You just gotta move, let the rest take their place. 

Fruits, and assignments. 

A cute bookmark that i got from the psychology society. 

A few interesting bike i would like to share that i saw from the old town wet market. U can see a lot of bikes like this there. The auntys and uncles there all cycle, very healthy one. 

Truly a vegetable basket :D

And here is the best event i've been to for this semester. MUSICAL CONCERT 2014! And my bestie May is singing in the concert too. We went early and was the 1st to register into the hall and got a stage front seat. The experience was : Loud, fun, cheerful
Their tickets are cute. I love how they blend those colors together.

Le coursemates. 

This is the queue when we arrived. LOL. Hi... 

I'm a happy girl, in a happy world!~~

With marion, and my scissors hand. :D

The queue after that. Look at how long dem queue!!! Later after that there were actually a second line. 

The wristband :D <3


LOL, so serious. 

There were all these fans around that raised their bottle while shining phone flashlight in the bottle when the celeb arrived. 

It was really beautiful when the whole hall lit up.

With May. And her really awesome makeup and hairdo that day.

Egg fried with long beans. :D Yum Yum. 

Healthy fruit bowl. :P
Next up i will be updating about UTAR, again, but this time it's gonna be about the campus, and the nature of it, the greens and the trees. :)


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